bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pyro Bobby Mix RP

Bobby had been gone for a week visiting with his parents. He missed his lover Pyro more then anything else. His parents had done nothing but belittle him and so he had been cutting himself and not eating much. He prayed that the scars would heal before he got back to the school but sadly they didn't. Pyro was going to beat his ass when he saw that Bobby had started this 'shit' again as Pyro called it. He walked through the doors of the school and first hugged his lover tightly. "I missed you so much." he told John as he hugged him.

"I missed you too," Pyro held him tight, feeling his body against his, breathing him in. "How did it go? Are you feeling well? “He asked, rubbing his back. He had missed him so much.

Bobby smiled and nodded "Yeah. I'm good. The rents were critics same as always. But that's over now. I'm home again." he hugged his lover back and kissed him on the cheek. 

John smiled and kissed his lips, "I hope they weren't too much for you.... I thought we could maybe get in the hot tub tonight? It's supposed to be a cold night..."

Bobby loved that idea and was too turned on to remember that he had scars and needed to hide them "Alright...sounds like a plan to me." 

"Good. I can't wait." He kissed him and they went to class.
Later that night, John had all sorts of treats and drinks around the hot tub so he could just relax with his love.

Bobby got into his swim trunks but figured with his lover they wouldn't stay on long. He was right. But the reason wouldn't be for sex. he placed a nike wrist band on his left wrist the one where he had cut himself hoping that it would be enough to hide the scars. He didn't stop to think that Pyro might find that strange seeing as he NEVER had worm things like that before. He made his way to the hot tub and grinned at his lover "Everything looks great." Bobby smiled ready to have a good time

Pyro was ready to have a good time. He saw him wearing the wristband, "What's that for?" He asked him.

Bobby instead of answering changed the subject "So how many kisses do I get if I don't make the water freezing cold?" he grinned 

Pyro frowned. That was a sign something was up. "Bobby, I asked you something..."

"Bobby, is there something under there that you're hiding?" He asked gently.

He scoffed innocently even though he knew lying would only make it worse "What makes you think that? I mean what would I be hiding? "

Pyro shook his head and took his wrist, removing the wristband. "Bobby, what the hell??"

Bobby flinched embarrassed and looked down "Um. I told you my parents were annoying me..." he trailed off. 

"So??You didn't tell me you did this! Bobby you should've called me!" He growled angrily.

Bobby sighed "You were excited when I got here I didn't want to spoil the mood." Bobby said 

"Well you spoiled it now and earned yourself a spanking."

Bobby gulped. Crap. a spanking? "Oh I think I'll show you just how serious I am." He sat on the steps of the hot tub, putting Bobby over his knees and lowering his wet swim trunks."Your not serious." he whined

Bobby could feel the steam of the hot tub in the air as his lover pulled his swimming trunks down. He knew this was going to hurt and burn like all hell. There was a deep pit of fear in his belly but he also knew he deserved this. "I'm sorry. " he tried 

"Sorry is nowhere near enough, Bobby. This time you're going to have to beg." He told him and struck his hand down hard on the bare butt in front of him.

The first swat was always a shock no matter how many times they went through this. "Ouch!" he cried out as the intense sting and the force behind the swat. THAT HURT!! 

John continued not caring how loud it echoed or how much it hurt. They had sailed these waters before and apparently none were hard enough for Bobby to get the point.

Its not that Bobby hadn't learned his lesson the last times they had done this. But it was just so easy to go back to the thought of cutting when there was stressful times. It was hard to resist the urges. Each time he was spanked for it though he seemed to go longer and longer without cutting.
He kicked his legs as the sting increased and cried out with almost each swat and there were tears forming in his eyes. He hated getting his butt blistered by his lover. 

John spanked him long and hard until his hand hurt then stopped. "Get me my belt from the room, and don't you dare pull your shorts up yet."

Bobby was crying. Sobbing really. He didn't dare disobey. he stumbled his way to the bedroom and with tears falling down his cheeks he hand the belt over to his lover waiting for further instructions. 

"Get back in here." He told him, wanting to get his bottom wet again.

Bobby grimaced but did as he was asked getting back into the hot tub letting his lover take control. He sniffed and tried to wipe his eyes.

John bent him over the edge, running his hand along his lover's red hot bottom, "Does it hurt?"

He gritted his teeth moaning in misery "Yes sir..." he groaned his tender flesh sensitive to the touch. 

Pyro nodded and snapped the belt down on his bottom. "Does it hurt more now?"

he screeched as the bite of the belt snapped across his already tender behind. Then cried "Yes! yes it hurts." 

"Will it help you learn your lesson then?"

"yes!" he cried not wanting anymore and trying to get up thinking that maybe it was over. 

John continued.

Bobby squirmed and then just sobbed his heart

"Come here baby..."He held Bobby securely in his arms and patted his back. "Do you wanna go back to the room now?" He asked, he would do whatever to make his lover comfortable.

"Shh..."John held him and took him back to the bedroom for cuddles.
He watched over his boy, happy to have him back again.
Two weeks later he noticed something he hadn't really noticed before. Bobby was only eating one meal a day, and John didn't like that. Especially since Bobby was usually busy during dinner time and the food ran out. He always bought microwaveable food.
John ordered some things on line and when they came, he sat on the bed and waited for his lover to walk in.

Bobby went over to his lover curious about what was in the bag. 

"Hey baby," John smiled and kissed him. "What did you eat today?" He asked him.

"Eat? Oh some yogurt and some gum that's about it." Bobby said honestly 

John frowned, not liking that. "That's hardly any food baby, what about yesterday? What's you have yesterday?"He stroked his hair.

"Um......Same "Is yogurt all you eat in a day?" He asked, looking at his lover soft lips and blue eyes.

thing..." he told him 

Bobby nodded not thinking there was anything wrong with that. "I don wanna get fat." he said as an excuse.

"That's stupid Bobby, and I don't want you getting sick on me. So either you'll eat three meals on your own, or I've got a little treatment for you that would involve force feeding you and warming your ass." He told him. "So what’s it gonna be?"

Um...what kind of treatment? You can't really force feed me." Bobby said not willing to give in yet. 

"You know what? Why don't I show you what kind of treatment? Head into the bathroom and get me the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls." He told him.

Bobby was confused but curious to see where this was going so he did as he was asked bringing the items over to John. "Here. Now what genius?" he mocked playfully

"Now, you come here and lay on the bed." He smiled and pulled Bobby by his arm, shoving him onto the bed on his tummy, "And I get these out of the way." He tugged at his pants but wasn't able to get them down because Bobby was wearing a belt.

Bobby looked back "What are you doing? Leave my pants alone." he gripped glad that he had worn a belt. 

"Get up," John growled, hating that he had been outsmarted by the belt.

 Bobby tried to hide his smirk and spoiling his lovers plans and stood up "yes?" 

"You're not allowed to wear this again." He took Bobby's belt off and tossed it aside then turned him back on the bed, tugging his pants down. He stared at his lovers underwear, He loved slowly revealing his lover's beautiful bare ass. It always made him horny.

Pyro grabbed the waistband of his underwear and slowly peeled it down, exposing his lover's bare bottom. He squeezed his ass, not being able to help himself then took out a package from his back pack. He opened it up.

Bobby smirked when his lover touched his ass then turned to watch wondering what he would pull out. 

Out of the package, he took out a box and opened it up. It was a small bottle with red liquid. He then took out a syringe and began getting some liquid into the syringe, he knew that his lover was watching and he loved it.

Bobby was getting nervous now "What's that?" he asked 

"Hush baby,this is a vitamin B12're not eating properly so this will give you a lot of what you need.."He told him and soaked the cotton ball in alcohol. "It's a thick liquid so it needs a thick needle. There's also a little bit of alcohol mixed in with the vitamins so you can bet it'll sting like a bitch when it goes in to your lovely little tush." He patted his bottom.

Bobby didn't like the sound of that. He struggled trying to get up now "no...don't you dare!" 

"Get back over the bed or over my knee," He ordered him.

"NO! Leave my butt alone. You have no right to do this." Bobby said covering his bottom 

"I care about you. That's why I'm doing this." He told him.

"But that thing is gonna hurt." he whimpered 

"I know it will, but you're not eating and that's not okay, you're hurting your body. This is gonna hurt but it's gonna make you better. You can't just be eating one meal a day, especially when it's just crap. I've seen you buy all those crappy packaged foods. Now be a big boy and come here."

Bobby glared like a six year old. "No! No way! That's not even fair." he was a few seconds away from doing exactly as his lover had told him but he wanted one last time to protest. 

John understood Bobby was nervous as heck but it only amused him. "Alright are you done being a little kid? Come on, bend over my knee or the bed baby."

Bobby knew that if he bent over the bed he would run or something so instead he placed himself over his lovers knees hating himself for not having the courage to run. "Is this gonna take long? And how bad will it hurt?" 

John held him over his lap,rubbing his bottom, "It's going to sting like a bitch, baby but try not to move too much and it'll be over in a minute, okay?" He took the cottonball and rubbed at his lover's right bottom, right on the roundest part of his buttcheek. He could inject it in his hip, thigh, or butt, but he felt that butt would be easiest for his boy.

Bobby was nervous as hell and whimpered then said "Your enjoying this." he accused 

"Maybe a little, baby.....but I mean it, this is for your own good." He told him and picked up the needle, he jabbed it into his lover's bottom and looked to see his reaction.

Bobby jerked and cried out "ow! FUCK that hurts!!" he whined 

"Shh I know baby but the needle is in, now here comes the liquid," He warned and pushed down on the syringe, injecting the burning liquid into his lovers bottom.

Bobby had grabbed onto his lovers leg at the warning and held tight crying as the burning liquid entered his bare bottom. He hated this and it hurt so much that he already had second thoughts of ever trying to starve himself again. "I'm sorry!" he screamed out. 

"Shh shh.....almost done baby..." It took a full minute to get it all in since the liquid was so thick, "It's over now baby...." He removed the needle and cleaned his butt cheek with the alcohol, slapping his bottom lightly to help the medicine spread.

Bobby cried miserable and feeling like a baby he looked back and told his lover petulantly "I hate you.," but they both knew that was a lie. 

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way." Pyro said. Even though deep inside he knew it was a lie, the words stung him worse than the shot had hurt Bobby.
"You can go now, and for the record I still love you even if you hate me. I was only trying to help. I don't want you getting sick on me." He told hims and packed the rest of the injections away.

Bobby sighed sorry that he had said that. Later when John left the room Bobby found the injections and threw them away so that next time John couldn't do that to him. He figured John wouldn't notice them in the trash can. 

John was in the room and saw them. He picked them out and waited for Bobby,hairbrush in hand.

Bobby entered the room his cheer died on his face when he saw what was in his lovers hand but tried to play cool "Hey John. Gonna brush your hair?" he asked. 

"Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you?" He scoffed. "This is for your ass. Why did you go and throw away the injections like I wouldn't notice?"

Bobby frowned "Because I don't like them and its not fair and I hate injections..." he said eyeing the brush even after all this time he still HATED that thing more then anything else. 

"That doesn't mean you throw away something that I bought with my own money to help you! You suck it up and take the shots if you're not gonna care enough to eat right!" He scolded. "The only thing that got you is a good hard spanking, and guess what? You're getting another shot tomorrow night!" He told him.

Bobby paled as his lover announced that he was getting a spanking AND another shot tomorrow. "noooooo." he whined then his lip trembled as he stared at the brush he wasn't looking forward to this. He even took a step back not meaning to but afraid of the coming spanking. 

"Get over here Bobby and I swear if you make me go over there...." He growled.

Bobby knew he was already screwed and didn't wanna make it worse so he willingly went over to his lover jeans and shirt still on. He had already taken off his shoes. He waited for further instruction. 

"Take your shirt off." He told him, while he tapped the hairbrush in the palm of his hand.

Bobby winced then did as he was told taking off his shirt baring his chest to his lover. 

"Come here." He ordered him,setting the hairbrush by his side.

Bobby nodded and walked over to his lover "yes sir." he not stood before his lover. 

Pyro flipped him over his knee and wasted no time, spanking him on his jeans with his hand.

Bobby figured this was a warm up and it hurt a little but not too bad. His jeans were thick. He could feel the sting but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. 

After five minutes of that, Pyro tugged down his jeans and continued the hand spanking on his underwear.

It was getting harder to handle now. He wiggled but that did no good he winced but didn't yelp. The spanking on his underwear hurt more then on his jeans though. 

Pyro picked up the hairbrush and began bringing that down across hi underwear, spreading the swats all over his butt.

That is when it started to really sting and burn. He jerked and wiggled and then just let the tears fill his eyes as the slow burn started to increase. 

Pyro pulled up on his underwear, to get his cheeks bare and gave him some hard smacks before putting his underwear back into place and swatting some more,
then he pulled down the underwear and beat his butt with the brush until it was blazing red. He got ready to wrap things up. He held the brush, "Loosen up." He ordered, watching his tense butt.

Bobby was crying now and though he didn't want to he did his best to loosen his butt muscles. 

Pyro spread his lover's cheeks and with the brush hit all the sensitive inner areas of his cheeks, making every inch of his bottom cherry red.

Bobby screamed and cried and sobbed as the brush turned his once white buttocks to a boiling hot red. "I’m sorry!!" he cried. 

Pyro finished up and threw the brush away. "Calm down now, learned your lesson?"

Bobby was crying hard but managed to get out "Yes. I'm sorry. I've learned. Please don't inject me tomorrow night." he begged.