bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 4.1

Later that night Pyro and Bobby slept in the same bed with Their 'children' were placed in Bobby's bed to sleep. The next morning when they woke they were shocked. The children had shrunk. Bobby ran to get Xavier and Xavier said it was a side effect of removing the programming. Now the children were six years old in stead of 14. That alone would make them easier to handle. "They will also act more like children now. It will also make it easier for them. They can learn and grow and turn out better because they will have a childhood now." Xavier said.

Although Mason was still the spitting image of Pyro only now he was 6 years old. He still had Pyro's face.

An hour later Mason woke up and he first looked at Pyro then he felt strange. He stood and he knew he was shorter. He looked over at the mirror and saw that he was a child then looked at Pyro "Why did you make me younger?" Mason asked.

Pyro raised his brow "Me? You really think I could have made you younger? I didn't do that. It's a side effect. Sides the only reason you were 14 was because your programming manipulated your age somehow. So when the programming was reversed your age was too. It's not so bad being young. You'll like it. You two are the youngest kids here that's for sure. We don't even have a class for kids your age. Why isn't Terra waking up?" Pyro asked. She hadn't woken since yesterday and he was slightly worried.

Mason looked to his sister "She will not wake yet. She needs more time." Mason said he was able to read her.

"Needs more time? To what?" Bobby asked.

"Her system needs more time to rewire her because you removed the programming. It will take her longer to adapt and waken then it did me. Because she has more powers." Mason said.

Well that made sense.

There was a knock at the door "Come in." Bobby said and Storm cane in "hi uh you boys are still coming to the museum right?" Storm asked.

Pyro nodded "Yeah. Sure why wouldn't we be going?" Pyro asked.

Mason subconsciously stepped closer to Pyro and slightly hid behind him. Storm and Bobby noticed this. "Well I guess you'll have a tag along with you. We'll meet you boys down stairs. It's cold outside I'll see if I can find the little one something to put on to keep warm." Storm said and left the room.

Pyro looked and then turned to Mason "What are you doing?" he asked gently.

"I don't like her. She smells funny." Mason said.

"She smells funny?" Pyro questioned then Storm came back with a coat and tossed it to Pyro "Here it will be a little big on him but it'll keep him warm. Professor will come in and watch Terra for you while we're gone." Storm informed and then left again.

"Wait they want us to take Mason with us?" Pyro asked.

"I don't think we or they have a choice. I think he really likes you." Bobby said he had noticed that the little boy seemed more vulnerable now.

Pyro had noticed it too but it was strange and would take some getting used to.

He was about to tell Mason to put his coat on when he realized that the boy probably would have no idea what a coat even was.

Pyro knelt down "Put your arms out." the boy obeyed putting his arms out and Pyro put his arms in the coat sleeves and then zipped the coat up. Then he went to put his own hoody on to stay warm.

"What's this?" Mason asked of the coat.

"It's a coat. It'll keep you warm when we go outside." Pyro explained.

"He doesn't have one." Mason said looking at Bobby.

"I don't get cold. So I don't need one." Bobby smirked.

"Why?" Mason asked.

"Why? Why what?" Bobby asked.

"Why don't you get cold." Mason asked.

"Because my power is Ice. I've adapted to the cold. I don't get cold. You have the same power I do but it's still new to you. You've never used it. I didn't start adapting to mine until I was older." Bobby said.

"Oh." Mason said.

When Xavier arrived the three boys left the room.

They headed down the stairs to where the other students were waiting.

"Okay everyone get on the bus. John keep an eye on him. He'll need to sit in your lap. And you'll have to hold his hand while we're out." Storm said and they headed out.

Pyro took the little boys hand and then when they were on the bus he sat by Bobby and pulled his mini me into his lap to sit for the ride up.

Once at the mall Pyro took Mason's hand in a firm grip and Mason walked with them for a while.
Mason managed to slip his hand away while Pyro wasn't paying attention and wondered over to the next area to look at the art.

"Pretty." Mason said his eyes shinning.

Pyro had discovered him missing and slightly panicked. "Bobby where's Mason?" he asked.

Bobby looked around not seeing the child then he spotted him "There." he pointed.

Pyro rushed over and snatched Mason's hand "Hey. What are you doing over here?" he scolded him.

"I was only looking." Mason whined.

"You don't leave my side without telling me first. You need permission before you run off like that. You can't just do whatever you want." Pyro said then he picked the little boy up "No. Down. I don't wanna be carried." he whined.

"Tough! You ran away so you don't get to walk on your own anymore." Pyro said firmly holding the boy on his hip with one hand under his bottom for support.

Mason pouted but then put his arms around Pyro's neck loosely "What do I call you?" Mason asked him.

"Call me anything you want. My human name is John. My mutant name is Pyro." Pyro said.

"Your my parent." Mason said.

"Yes. Technically I am." Pyro agreed.

"So I could call you daddy?" Mason asked in a questioning tone.

Pyro stopped in his tracks and looked at the little boy then kept walking that one had caught him by surprise "Uh. Okay." Pyro said finally giving in. It wouldn't hurt anyone and Pyro had no real problem with it. It would just take some getting used to.

"Can I call the other parent Daddy too?" the boy asked.

"You'll have to ask him." Pyro said.

"Okay." Mason said.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wolverine's Cyclops chapter two

Logan has been gone all Summer checking out the lake and has now come back. This is at the beginning of movie two. Also there is no Rogue in this.

Chapter two: Aren't you going to welcome me home?

Scott was pissed after his lover had taken off on HIS motorcycle and left for the summer. But as weeks turned into months Scott wasn't just angry he was depressed. And he began to skip his classes and act out. He also began to cut himself because he was angry that Logan wasn't around for him to talk to.

Logan returned to the school his lovers bike almost on empty and he took the keys with him as he went inside.
First he was greeted by Bobby and Pyro. Pyro then dragged his lover away to do his homework. Logan's breath caught in his throat as he saw his lover coming down the stairs. He was beautiful. "Find what you were looking for Logan?" Scott asked coldly and Logan noticed.
"What's wrong with you?" Logan asked because his lover didn't usually have an attitude problem. Not anymore at least.

When Scott just stood there with his hands on his hips and a smug look on his face Logan smirked coyly "Aren't you gonna welcome me home?" he asked wanting his lover to kiss him.

Scott nodded slightly. "Welcome home Logan." Scott said and then went back up the stairs and Scott followed him all the way to their room.

Logan was stopping this attitude right now. He shut the door and went over to the dresser he dropped his bag and grabbed the hairbrush. Scott paled when he saw that "Sit down." Logan said firmly.
Scott saw down. Logan went over and stood before him "Now do you want a taste of this brush?" Logan asked.

"No." Scott said moody.

"Then you better tell me what the hell is wrong with you. Cause your gonna talk to me and tell me what's wrong. I am not gonna tolerate you snapping at me. I just got here. I don't want to spank you. But if I have to then I will." Logan said.

"I don't wanna talk to you." Scott grouched.

Logan raised his eye brows. "You keep acting like a little boy and I'll damn well treat you like one." Logan warned tapping the brush on his hand once as he looked at Scott.

Scott sat there sulky "I wanted to talk to you and you weren't here! I don't wanna talk to you right now." Scott snarled and he got up but Logan grabbed his arm "Where do you think your going?" He asked and then Scott winced as Logan touched his arm and that got Logan's attention. He tossed the brush on the bed and grabbed Scott's sleeve and shoved it up and what he saw he almost couldn't believe at first.

"What the hell is this?" His tone was low as he looked right into Scott's guilty face.

"What happened? Did you do this? What the hell did you do?" Logan got louder now.

Scott flinched but he admitted his crime "I cut myself." Scott said.

Logan was quiet for a minute. "You what?" he looked at the scratches again and then growled "Are you telling me that while I was gone you deliberately did THIS?" Logan growled.

"Yes." Scott said as if it was no big deal.

Logan let go of his arm and stepped away from him. "Logan?" Scott questioned fearing that maybe his lover was gonna leave him for this.

"You sit in here and think about things because when I come back your gonna answer my questions. But If I spank you now you won't sit for two weeks. I need to calm down." Logan said.

"No don't leave me." Scott cried.

Logan looked at him "I'm not leaving you! I'm leaving the room So I can calm down. Trust me you don't want me to blister your little bottom yet! I need to calm down." Logan said.

"Just sit there and don't move. I'll tell Chuck what I found and then I'll come back and deal with you." Logan said and then left to talk with the professor.

After talking with Xavier Logan also found out what else Scott had been doing. He wasn't pleased. Logan went back to the room and shut and locked the door. He was glad that the walls were sound proof.

Scott didn't look up when he heard Logan come in. "Well." Logan said "Someone's been a pretty naughty little boy while I was away." Logan stated sternly. He came over to his lover grabbing his other wrist and dragged him over to the bed. He looked at the scars again seeing that they were fine and they were old he stripped his lover of pants and boxers leaving him bare and then pulled him across his knee.

The brush was still on the bed. He's use that later.

First he gave Scott a good hand spanking. Scott had tears in his eyes when Logan paused.

"That was for all the trouble you caused with the students and skipping all your classes. You agreed to teach here and you have a responsibility to these kids because of that. If you don't go to the classes then why should they? This next part is for the cutting." Logan said.

He smacked Scott's bare bottom with his hand for five minutes covering every inch in rapid fire swats that left Scott in tears. The he paused again. He grabbed the brush from the bed and then brought it down on his lover already blistered bottom. Scott cried loud and Logan hardened his heart and paddled the red bottom until it was a deep dark red and he knew his lover would be feeling that for quite a while. Long enough to make him never want to repeat any of this again.

Logan picked his lover up and placed his on the bed on his side and laid by him "Shh. Darlin' your alright. It's okay. Shh." Logan crooned to his very sore lover who was sporting the sorest backside he'd ever had in his life.

Scott cried himself to sleep in Logan's arms feeling safe and loved and glad that Logan was home now. He had missed him.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Wolverine's Cyclops Chapter one:

This is an AU where Logan never loses his memory because he was never in love with Kayla. Instead he fall for the 17 year old Scott and rescues him from the street then they go to Canada and live in the cabin together. Yes eventually they will meet the X Men but not yet and the main difference is that Logan is in love with Scott for this. So the main Couple is of Logan and Scott but later on there will be mentions of Pyro and Bobby together.  I may write the Prolog another time. This is a year after Logan and Scott have been together. It starts near the beginning of Wolverine origins.

Chapter One:  A year later

Scott was dreaming. So was Logan. Logan was dreaming of the old days. So was Scott. Scott could see himself scrounging for food and selling himself for a buck. Then Logan comes along and flips his world upside down. After that first night with Logan Logan had chosen to keep him. Scott had asked "What do you want? What are you after?" there had to be a ketch to this hot big man wanting him.
"The only thing I want is to help you. The only thing I'm after is your heart. I don't want your fear. There's no ketch here. I'm offering you a way out of this life you've made for yourself because your not just some slut. I won't lie and say that there's nothing in this for me. But I'm not doing this just for me. I want you. And I want you for good. This can't be for just one night. I can't have it for just one night. I don't know what happened but sometime between when I took you to this hotel and the time I woke up with you beside me I fell for you. I wanna give you everything. All I want you to do is let me." Logan had said. And Logan wasn't usually that mushy or tame.

And so they had been together for over a year now. Scott woke to the sounds of Logan's claws coming out. He sat up keeping his eyes closed he reached for his special sun glasses and put them on. He carefully moved over to his lover "Logan. Logan! Logan wake up!" Scott got louder and louder while shaking Logan and Logan lunged up gasping and then he calmed down because he saw Scott close to him. His claws that were made from Bone went retracted.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked.

"I'm okay. Just a bad dream that's all." Logan insisted and then he grabbed Scott into a hug and while keeping his hold on him he laid them back down. Logan told him about his dream and Scott kissed him "Your not an animal." he said knowing that Logan needed to hear it sometimes.

They laid there after that. Later on Logan got ready for work. He was a lumber jack and Logan drove himself to work seeing as Scott wasn't able to actually see. Though there were times when Scott had opened his eyes near Logan and Logan had seen blue eyes instead of red beams. But it was rare that that happened. Logan Dropped Scott off at the school where Scott worked as a teacher. Yes a blind man could teach kids! Scott leaned in to snatch a kiss before turning away from a grinning Logan and ignoring the fact that Logan hadn't drove away yet and knowing Logan would sit there staring at his ass until he made it inside didn't bother Scott.

Once his lover was inside Logan drove off to work.

Later that day Scott got a visitor at the school.

It was Victor Creed. The kids were outside playing while Scott was inside. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. There are people that want to hurt Jimmy. And the best way for you to help him is to help me." Victor said.

"Help you what?" Scott asked.

"Well first of all this is something that he can't know about. Other wise the whole plan goes down the drain and it was all for nothing. He has to go through this. It will help him become more powerful. Now here's what I need you to do. In about a week I'll come back. After Jimmy goes to work. You and I will take a stroll over in the woods he works near. Then I'm going to inject you with a drug. It won't hurt you in any way. All it will do is make you appear to be dead. It slows your blood and to anyone looking at you you would look dead. But you won't actually be dead. Now once Jimmy finds you 'dead' he's going to be very pissed and he's going to come looking for me. I'll give you a call when it's time to reveal the truth to him." Victor said.

"You want me to let you inject me with a drug and let Logan think that I'm dead? He's gonna be even more pissed about that fact that I was alive and let him think that I was dead. He would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself." Scott said.

"Look If you don't do this he doesn't stand a chance against what's coming. It's either you pretend to die and accept whatever risks might come with that. Or he's the one that will die." Victor said making it sound like it was the best for his brother.

Scott reluctantly agreed.

Later that day Logan picked him up from work. "So how were the kids?" Logan asked.

"Extra hard" Scott said but it was a lie. Logan grinned.

Later that night at home Logan was sitting on the sofa when Scott came over and climbed on him straddling him getting comfortable. Logan's hands went right to Scott's hips. "What's all this?" Logan asked grinning since Scott wasn't usually the one in the mood first.

"I want to tell you a story. Something I heard one night when I was still a bad boy on the streets. Before you came and rescued me and made a good boy that is." Scott said with a grin of his own.

Logan snorted "I made you a good boy huh?"

"Of course. Your the one that gave me all those spankings when I was naughty. Therefor giving me a reason to behave." Scott said.

"You thoroughly deserved every single spanking you got on that bare bottom of yours young man. So don't even start on that." Logan growled.

Scott grinned "I know. Now let me tell you the story." and so Logan listened.

"The Moon once had a lover. Called the wolverine. One day the wolverine was searching for a gift to give his lover. And the trickster came along and told the wolverine to come to our world and pick some lovely flowers and that they were the perfect gift for the moon. So the wolverine did. But what he didn't know is that once he left the spirit world he could never return again. And so now he sits alone at night crying to the moon every night. But he can never touch her again." Scott said.

"Wow. Wolverine got screwed." Logan said then leaned up and snatched a kiss thinking in his mind that he was the wolverine and that Scott was his moon. Except that he could touch Scott as much as he wanted.

And Wolverine lifted Scott from him setting him on his feet then stood up and backed him onto the bed and got on top of him.

Logan thrust into Scott gently at first then he went faster and faster until they both came hard yelling at the power of their shared orgasm.

A week later:

Logan stood up stiffening at the smell of his brother's scent. He had a bad feeling in his gut and he ran to his car to track the smell he stopped on the road as he saw his Truck. The spare vehicle he had thought it wise to get. That could only mean one thing. Scott. But Scott couldn't drive it. Unless he got his sight back temporarily but he wouldn't take that chance. Logan got out of the car and rushed to the Truck he was relieved when he saw Scott not in it. But it also made him uneasy because he could smell Scott. But where was he? Logan followed the scent through the woods. He paled when he saw several of the trees marked by claws. Logan ran now desperate to find his lover.

Logan found him. He stumbled over to the body and the collapsed pulling Scott into his arms. There was blood all over him and Logan couldn't find a pulse. Logan threw his head back and screamed it was a sound between primal and heart shattering. He held Scott tight. "No." was all Logan to seem to say he felt broken and lost. Brother or not he was going to kill Victor for this, Logan placed kisses all over Scott's face then picked him up into his arms and walked all the way to the cabin. He placed his lover gently on the bed. Then gave the cold lips one last kiss "You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. You gave me the strength to be a good man. You know I'm an animal and you treated me like a man. You loved me with everything you had. And for that I'll never forget you. I'll never let you go. I loved you so much Scott. You had no idea. I'm gonna kill him for this. I'll come back for you. I promise." Logan said kissing his lover again not wanting to leave his lovers body in the house. He would come back for it later and bury him properly after his brother was dead.

Scott woke two hours after Logan left. His cell phone rang almost immediately he saw it was Victor he answered it "Get a pen and paper and write down this address. Your part is done. Now all you have to do is wait." Victor said and gave Scott the address to the lab.

Scott went to the lab he stood among the people hiding as he had been told to do. He watched as Logan was submerged and suddenly his claws were made with adimantium a special metal that could rip through anything and do a lot of damage. Logan was given his old dog tags saying he wanted new ones. "What do you want them to say/" Striker asked.
Logan thought about Scott and the story. "Wolverine." Logan answered and that shocked Scott.  Once it was all done Logan died and then he came back slowly.
Then William Striker said "Erase his memory."

Scott was surprised at that. If Logan lost his memory he would remember nothing. Logan apparently heard that and didn't like the idea either because he sat up and killed several people and then ran out naked he was chased by several people.

Striker came over to talk to Scott "You'll need to come with me." he said and Scott followed him .

"I want to show you something." Striker said and then turned on some monitors and Scott saw all the trapped mutant children being held captive.

"What the hell is this? What are you doing with all of them?" Scott asked.

"Your very bright for a 19 year old boy. I think we both know that I am using them and that I plan to kill them. However you could change all that. You could free them." Striker said.

Scott wanted to free the children. "What do I have to do?" he asked.

Striker smiled "You have to lie. When Logan comes here and he will come here. You'll be signaled and then you come in and we reveal that your alive. And then you lie." Striker said.

"Lie about what?" Scott asked.

"You will tell him that you knew all along about what we were going to do. You will tell him that you agreed to help Victor and stage your own death which is all true. And then you will tell him that you never loved him. That you used him." Striker said.

"No. Why? Why do you need to hurt him?" Scott asked upset.

"If you want the kids free then you will tell him everything I just said." Striker said.

Scott looked back at the monitors. Then looked back at Striker. Logan would know he was lying. Logan always knew when he was lying. He had picked up on it within their first week together. Scott had learned that first week that Logan knew his lying voice and Logan had always spanked him harder when it was because of a lie. Logan would get angry and then he would see through the lie. Not that that would save Scott's ass from harsh punishment. But it would probably allow Logan to forgive him.

"I'll do it." Scott said.

"Why did you do it?" Logan was asking Striker.
"Not everything is as it seems. Old friend." Striker said at which point Scott took his cue and came out behind Logan standing quite a distance away from him. Logan sensed someone behind him and turned claws extended still and stopped dead as he saw Scott. "Oh he's real old friend. When Scott met you he was working for me. He has been this whole time. None of it was real old friend." Striker said.

Logan sat down hurt and angry and glared at Scott "It was real for me." he said.

Striker gave Scott a pointed look.

"I helped Victor staged my death. I knew that he would trick you to find me. I never loved you. I used you. Just as I was told to." Scott lied.

Logan saw red he would have lunged but a second later he heard it. The tone. something wasn't right about the tone. He ran the words again in his head. The part where Scott had said he had never loved Logan and that he had used him Logan knew that tone. Logan had punished Scott for lying enough times. He had caught on early that Scott's tone sounded a certain way when he was lying. And Scott was lying. About having never loved Logan. But why? He decided to play along as if he believed it all.

"That story you told me. I miss read it. I thought you were the moon and I was your wolverine. But your the trickster." Logan said and now Scott was hurt.
Logan got up and attacked his brother and then Scott stopped him from killing him "Logan! Stop."
Logan looked up at Scott "Your not an animal." he said and then ran to his lover.

Logan took Scott and they ran Scott stopped them when he had a moment. "You lied." Logan said. "He has these kids. Trapped. There mutants. But there just little kids. He said he'd let them go if I lied to you about loving you. I knew you would see through it." Scott said and Logan calmed at that. His lover had a soft spot for kids. Young kids. Mutant kids. Because he was one too. "Come on then." Logan said and he used his claws to free them from their cages and then the strange monster came to attack. Logan told Scott to take the kids out of there and Scott heard a voice and followed it all the way to a helicopter. Xavier greeted him.
The kids got on the plane and Scott turned back to the direction where he had last seen Logan.
"you can't help him now. He'll be alright. We need to go. You can come with us too. I can help you." Charles said knowing Logan had already been shot. Scott agreed and vowed that he'd find Logan again later on.

It was two years before he saw Logan again.

Scott was 21 now and he had special sun glasses made that he wore that allowed him to open his eyes and see through the glasses without the glasses being damaged. He heard about the mission where a strange mutant had been found and Storm and Jean had helped bring the mutant here. Scott went to see Jean and found the professor with her and the unconscious mutant whom Scott instantly recognized.

Scott gasped. He had never thought he would see Logan again.

"Scott are you alright?" Jean asked.

"Logan." Scott said not able to take his eyes off of his old lover.

"Scott you need to know that Logan was shot that day that you came with us. He healed from the wound but his memory was erased. He doesn't remember anything that happened before he woke up after healing from being shot. He won't know you when he wakes up. He doesn't remember anything from that day. And he needs to figure it out on his own. But some things might be better forgotten. I know how you feel. But he's not the same man anymore. And he doesn't need to know about what the two of you had together. He can't miss what he doesn't remember." The professor said.

Jean was shocked "This is Logan?" she asked.

Scott nodded. He knew that Jean was into him but he had only ever had eyes for Logan.

Scott left and then Logan woke up soon after that. He spoke with Jean and thought she was cute.

Then he was led to the professors room by his voice. He spoke with them and Scott came in not realizing that Logan was awake and in the room.

"Professor." Scott called and then stopped as he saw Logan and Logan turned to look at the new person in the room.  "Oh. I'll come back later." Scott said and ran off.

Logan got no answers from the professor. All he got was "Ask Scott." Okay but who the hell was Scott? Jean went to talk to Scott. Logan heard them talking about his old lover. And how he was still in love with him and that Jean was trying to stop Scott from saying anything to his lover. Logan walked on after that.

Logan wondered restlessly around the mansion for a while. He was in the kitchen when Scott came in for some food. "Oh. sorry." Scott said.

"Why do you keep saying that every time We're in the same room?" Logan asked annoyed.

"Sorry." Scott said again.
"Stop saying that! Gees kid. Normally you apologize when you do something wrong. All you did was walk in the door. You don't gotta apologize for being in the same room with me. That's just dumb." Logan said.
Jean dropped in to harass the boy and before she left she said "See you later Scott." then walked away.

Logan perked up at that "Your Scott?" Logan asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Scott asked. Logan didn't answer that.

Scott went to his own room. Logan waited a moment and then followed him. He knocked on the door. Scott opened the door and was surprised to see Logan. "I think we should talk." he said.

"There's nothing to talk about." Scott said.

"I over heard you and Jean earlier. I want here about this great love that you had that is better then what she has to offer." Logan said and Scott sighed but let Logan in and then he sat down.

"Your gonna think this is stupid. Mainly because I was in love with a guy." Scott said.

"I don't find that stupid. Love is love. Tell me about him. This great love." Logan said he sat down too. He wasn't sure why he was curious about this. He should be asking Scott what he apparently knew about him but for some reason he wanted to hear the kids love story.

So Scott told him "I was 17 when I met him. I was a professional business boy if you know what I mean. I usually would do anything for the right price. I never kissed on the lips though. Too personal. Then one night I met him. Jimmy. Jimmy saw me and I guess he was hooked. He paid me a bundle to spend the whole night with him. We had sex and he was real gentle and stuff. The next morning he wasn't ready to let me go. So he offered me a perminant spot in his bed and his home. He asked for a chance. I gave it to him. We spend a year together completely and utterly happy." Scott said remembering.

"so what happened to this guy?" Logan asked.

"He was a mutant like us. I was tricked. Talked into staging my death so that he would get mad enough to hunt down the mutant that killed me. But I wasn't really dead. When I woke up the mutant told me where to go and I saw Jimmy they...well they made him stronger. Then the doctor talked to me telling me that he had all these mutant kids trapped and he promised to let them go if I agreed to lie to Jimmy. But I knew that he would know if I was lying. He could always tell. Then he showed up and I came out. Naturally he was crushed that I would let him think I was dead and stage my death. I hurt him. He got hurt and I joined Xavier's school. I told myself that I would go after him. That I would find him. I only saw him once after that. I never forgave myself for helping them trick him." Scott said.

Logan thought about all that. "What did you do when you saw him again? What did you say?" Logan asked.

"Nothing." Scott said.

"Nothing? Kid if what you and this guy had is real then why did you say nothing?" Logan asked.

"Because I don't deserve him anymore. What we had was real. But what I did was unforgivable." Scott said.

"Sounds to me like you just don't want to give him a chance to forgive you. Maybe your afraid that he will and that gets to you because you think you no longer deserve his love. If you love this guy then he deserves to know that your still in love with him. You guys owe it to each other and your relationship because it got screwed up by people from the outside." Logan said not sure why he cared so much but he felt that he should give his advice.

Scott thought it was kinda funny. Logan was unknowingly telling his lover to give him a chance to forgive him.

"Thanks. Maybe someday I'll tell him. But not right now. I'm not ready. And neither is he." Scott said honestly.

Logan shrugged. "Suit yourself. It's your love life. But your making both you and him miserable I bet." Logan said then he said "I'll ketch you later okay?" Logan said and then went to the room he had been assigned and after thinking for a while about Scott's problem he went to sleep thinking about the younger boy.

He dreamed that night. First he dreamed of waking up after being experimented on. Then he woke and then he went back to sleep and his dreams took his further into his past this time. Further then ever before. He saw himself in a bed and he saw himself wake up and sneak outside where there was lots of trees. He was in front of a cabin. Why was he sneaking around.

"He's the moon. And I'm his wolverine." He heard himself say which that was pretty lame but he wondered if that's why he called himself wolverine. Had he been in love? Luckily he saw himself go back inside and over to the bed when he sat down on the floor and looked lovingly at the mass of red hair sticking out from the blanket. He pulled it back some at which point he saw Scott! He then saw himself lean over a plant of soft kiss on the boy. "You go ahead and be my moon. I'll always find a way back to you." he said as he thought about the story the boy had told him.

This time Logan saw everything after that. It all ran through his head. His lover. His lover found dead. Him going after his brother. Him agreeing to get the metal in his hands in order to kill his own brother for killing his love. Him saying he wanted wolverine on his dog tags because he had loved Scott so much and never wanted to forget him. It was done to honor him. Then finding out that Scott was alive and that he had helped Striker and Logan's brother. But when Scott said that he had never loved Logan he knew it was a lie. From the second it left the boys lips he had known it was a lie. Then Scott had told him about the kids being trapped and that he had only agreed to lie so that Striker would free the kids and because he knew Logan would see through it. Then he remember that he had been shot while he was looking for Scott trying to find him.

When Logan woke up this time he was surprised that he still remembered everything from his dream. Then rage filled him and he saw red. Scott!! He was the lover Scott was staying away from because he supposedly didn't deserve him. How dare he make that choice for Logan! What the boy thought that he could just chose to ditch their love because he thought Logan wouldn't forgive him? That wasn't fair or right.
And Logan could remember how he felt now. He had truly loved the boy. Still did in fact. He had never even thought of a name for his mutant self before Scott had told him that story.
How was he to proceed with this insecure boy that thought that he wasn't worthy of Logan's love anymore?
Logan sat up the rest of the night thinking about that.

The next afternoon all the X men were in the professors office along with Scott and Logan was there too. The professor had just told them about magneto. Then turned to Logan "You mentioned earlier that you remembered something from your past. What was it?" he asked kindly.

Logan chose to follow his heart. "It was a story that my lover told me." He said and that got everyone's attention. "you had a lover? Do you remember your lover?"Storm asked.

"Yes to both. The story was actually the reason I call myself Wolverine." Logan said then his eyes went to Scott. "Once upon a time. The moon had a lover. The moons lover was a wolverine. The moon and the wolverine were deeply in love. But there was also a trickster and the trickster was jealous that he didn't have a moon of his own. So one day the Trickster deceived the wolverine by saying that if he left the spirit world and came to our world he could get a great gift that the moon would adore. So The wolverine came to our world. But what he didn't know is that once you leave the spirit world you can't go back. And so every night the wolverine howls at moon. But he can never touch it again." Logan said as he began to take steps until finally he was right in front of Scott.

He looked down at the boy who was utterly shocked at the turn things had taken.

"You were the moon and I was your Wolverine. I'm the lover that you were talking about last night. What did you think I wouldn't miss what I couldn't remember? It didn't matter anymore because I couldn't remember?" Logan asked getting angry now.

"You knew! You knew all this time! You knew everything about me! About us! And you never said a thing." Logan said keeping his tone calm but there was anger underneath it.

"I couldn't tell you. I told you you weren't ready. You couldn't remember me. I wasn't about to throw a surprise like that at you. You had just met me. Everyone. Your new here. I wasn't going to go right up to you and tell you that we use to have a thing. And yeah I think you not remembering me kinda makes it better if you just don't know. How did you remember?" Scott asked.

"Yes what triggered your memories. I see them all there now. You remembered everything." Xavier said.

"It was last night. You told me about your lover and how you had hurt him. And that you didn't deserve his forgiveness. When I went back to my room what you said ran through my head again and I went to sleep thinking about you. Then I dreamed of everything. I saw it all. And even when I woke up it was still there. And that story you told me about the Moon and the Wolverine. It's been stuck in my head all morning. Along with the knowledge that you were my lover. And that you have done nothing and barely said two words to me since I got here. What are you afraid of? You afraid that Maybe I'm still in love with you too?" Logan asked knowingly.

Scott didn't answer that.

He didn't have to. Logan had already gotten his answer from the boys actions last night.

"Chuck I'm taking red for a private talk."Logan said to Xavier then grabbed Scott's elbow and escorted him to his new room and shut and locked his door. Then he let of Scott.

"Logan Wait." Scott tried.

"Wait for what? For you to have another pity party? You do realize that I saw everything last night. Every second of our lives together. We had it all. I never thought of a man like that until I saw you. And then when I couldn't remember anything I still didn't see any guys like that. See I figured I'm a straight guy. And I am. Unless of course I have your dick to trip on. Then I'm royally screwed and completely in love." Logan snapped.

"I didn't say anything because I don't want this. I don't want you to feel like you owe me something." Scott said.

Logan thought about that one then got a serious look on his face. "I do owe you something. I owe you the spanking of your life! We'll see how guilty you feel after that and then we'll talk." Logan said.

"You can't!" Scott stated in disbelief. Unaware that he had said the same thing the first time Logan had spanked him.

"Oh yeah? Watch me!" Logan snapped just as he had the first time.

He stalked over to Scott grabbing his wrist and dragging him over to the bed "You don't get to make my choices for me!" Logan snapped and unbuttoned the boys jeans taking them down. And his underwear too and flipped him over his knee. Wow he must have done this enough to where he got used to it cause he did that pretty quick.

"I'm 21 years old Logan!" Scott whined.

Logan snorted "Funny. Seems to me that even at 18 a spanking seemed to do you some good. So I think we can at least try it and if it still works then I got the perfect punishment for if you screw up." Logan said raising his hand high and smacked it down hard.

It had been a long time since Scott had felt that hand smack his ass. But as soon as it smacked down sharply he could well remember almost every single time. Logan had never given him a spanking that he couldn't remember.

Logan could remember too. He gave the boy 30 smacks on his bare bottom. Then paused.
"What did you do wrong?" Logan asked.

"Oh come on that's a long shit list your asking me to quote." Scott hissed angrily he hadn't cried yet. '
A Sharp smack landed on his sit spots "Watch your mouth." Logan growled.
Scott flinched. "Okay okay. I staged my death and I lied to you then and now." Scott said.

That was good enough for Logan and he landed another 30 smacks. Scott cried after 40 and he was crying pretty hard at the end of 60 and Logan looked at the blistered bottom over his lap and knew the boy had be hurting from that. Hopefully he would feel like he had paid for his mistakes.

Logan flipped him over and the boy clung to him and Logan let him. You would think it would feel strange despite the fact that he could remember everything now. But it didn't. It felt........perfect. It felt like he was home.
He rolled over so that he was laying on the bed with Scott laying beside him. He stroked his face "I'm home baby." Logan said then leaned down to kiss the younger man. Then he fingered his red sun glasses and grinned "I see you got some new shades." he said.

Scott sniffed he was calming down. "Yeah. I can open my eyes and look through these and see things. There special glasses. Even more special then the last ones I had. Xavier made these." Scott said.

"I want to ask you something. If Chuck hadn't told you to not tell me....Would you have told me?" Logan asked.

Scott thought about that. "Probably not." he said honestly.

Logan knew that was the truth. He nodded. "Well I'm glad that I remembered you. I saw how happy I was. How normal I was. You kept telling me that I wasn't an animal. And even though I spanked you it was you that had me whipped. You tamed me. I never thought it was possible for me to be like that. But you did it. And you get me all warm and fuzzy and talking all mushy. I sound like a love sick girl right now But I don't care because it's all true. I'm so in love with you that I don't care who might hear or see my love for you." Logan said.

Scott blushed "Logan I'm so so...." Logan glared and interrupted him "Finish that sentence and you are going back over my knee!" Logan growled and Scott shut up.

He laid there and closed his eyes enjoying the feel of his lover next to him. He feel asleep and felt safe and at home in the bed next to Logan.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Logan and Scott Chapter one

Okay for this story I am going to pretend like Rogue never liked Bobby and Jean never had a thing with Scott.
The relationship between Scott and Logan began in the first movie but I may or may not do flash backs. I mainly have this part figured out right now so flash backs about how it all started will have to come later. But basically Logan and Scott are together.
This starts at the beginning of the second movie where Logan asks Scott teasingly “Aren't you going to welcome me home?” and so many things popped into my head and so I had just had to give in and write this. And I had some encouragement thank you SkyBear LOL

Summary: Logan and Scott are lovers and Scott is angry because during the summer Logan took off to to try and find a piece of his past that he couldn't remember. So when Logan returns Scott tries to stay mad at his lover. But Logan of course won't allow his lover to give him the cold shoulder after being apart for two months.

Pairings: Logan/ Scott ( Main)
Bobby/ Pyro ( I will write another story centered on a relationship with Bobby and Pyro cause this is more about Logan and Scott.)

Chapter one: Logan comes home.

Parking the motorcycle that he had stolen from Scott that was also low on gas Logan took the keys inside with him.
He was greeted by Rogue and introduced to Bobby who was a friend of hers and Bobby introduced John also know as Pyro. Also known as Bobby's lover. Logan smiled at the young couple and then went to find his own lover.
He found him as he was coming down the stairs.
“Find what you were looking for Logan?” Scott asked still upset that his lover had left him with barely a kiss goodbye.
“Not much left to find. Aren't you going to welcome me home?” Logan asked with a smirk on his face.
Scott shook his head “Welcome home Logan.” he said then he walked away leaving Logan wondering if something was wrong seeing as normally Scott would have kissed him.
He sighed and took his pack off and headed after Scott where he found him in his old room the one he had had before moving to Logan's. He put his pack down and shut the door.
“What rattled your cage today?” Logan asked.
Scott ignored him and instead turned on some music and started organizing some of his things.
“Hey I'm talking to you.” Logan said over the music but Scott stayed quit and ignored him.
Logan shook his head and was now really annoyed. He went over and shut off the music.
“Hey!” Scott shouted but Logan turned on him and had him pinned against the wall before Scott could think and with Logan's body pressed against his holding him against the wall he couldn't think anyway.
“I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but your gonna talk to me. I can't read your mind. If your mad your gonna have to tell me why.” Logan said
Scott looking through his shades at Logan decided to inform him “You take off without even kissing me goodbye and then come back two months later and wanna know why I'm mad? I know your not a mind reader but I don't think your stupid either.” Scott said.
Logan stared down at him for a moment and then shook his head “Okay. You wanna play that game. Fine.” Logan said and then his lips came down to claim Scott's in a passionate kiss as if he would devour the man with his lips alone. Scott returned the kiss. His arms went around Logan to claw at his back and Logan's hands went to Scott's ass as he clutched him and lifted him off up feet and turned they landed on the bed. Logan on top of Scott. Scott had his legs wrapped around Logan trying to pull him closer.
Logan leaning over Scott his weight supported by one hand while the other undid his belt and threw it aside and next he moved to do the same to Scott removing his jeans from his body his hands roaming Scott's legs and then his finger hooked into the Boxers and removed them too.

Going back and forth between rough caresses and gently ones it was an hour before they finally were done and had reached heaven together.

Then they took a shower which they had to repeat because they were just that hungry for each other that they did it again in the shower. They ending up getting clean in cold water which was defiantly a turn off. They couldn't do it in the cold water. So they actually got clean that time.
When they got out they got dressed Scott feeling reclaimed by his man and felt complete now that Logan had returned at least for a few months. He knew Logan couldn't stay in one place for long. But he also knew Logan would always return as long as he was there.

Logan had refused to take Scott with him because the whole point of leaving every once and a while was so that they didn't smother each other and get tired of one another. Logan wanted Scott forever. He never wanted anything to make those feelings any less powerful.
And if he felt smothered then he would start to feel trapped and resent being there. So he decided that every couple of months he would take off for a short time. Because he had to feel free.

Scott understood but he also kinda wanted to be mad at Logan for it. But he couldn't make himself stay mad. Because he really did understand. Some guys were just like that.

Scott went to teach his class that would start in 5 minutes while Logan went to talk to the Professor about finding nothing.

To be continued.......................................

Next time: Logan realizes that Scott is afraid that Logan will take off again soon and Logan begins to work on getting a permanent position as the school so that he can have something to do while he's there.

Fire and Ice chapter 4 : Discovery

This is who i visualize for 626  and as for Mason picture a shorter version of Pyro.

I stole the number 626 from Stitch and if you don't know who stitch is then i feel sorry for you. Cause he is so cute.

The lab :

Thirty miles away in a lab a white pod lay dormant in sleep. A powerful creature had been created. A clone of sorts. It's parents (Which is what the scientists called the people who's DNA was used to create the vessel) were two mutants. Bobby and Pyro. Pyro the mutant who could control fire. And Bobby the mutant that could freeze and make ice come from his hands. He was often called Ice Man. And it was said that the boys were close. Like brothers. And some say they were even as close as lovers. So Dr. High had snatched both their DNA to create the weapon. The weapon also had a back up.

Both the weapons were mutants. One was the original weapon that had developed 3 powers before it was done growing. And the second weapon that they never actually intended on awakening because the original weapon was too powerful to fail. But it had been made just in case.

The spare weapon was male and the original weapon with more power was female. The female surprised them since they had used two males to create the vessels. The weapon would be woken up when the time was right. The weapon had been created specifically to destroy two very powerful mutants. Which was why it in turn had to be powerful. To destroy Wolverine and the great Charles Xavier. But it wasn't time to wake her up yet. The male mutant looked exactly like it's father Pyro. Though it had Ice Man's blue eyes and Pyro and Ice man's powers both.

They called him weapon 2

The first weapon was called Number 626

Number 626 was programmed to manipulate her way into the lives of her parents and the X men to find a weakness and also gain their trust so that she could destroy her targets. She had three strong powers making her one of the very few class 6 mutants. Very powerful and dangerous.
her first power she got from her father Pyro. Only hers worked differently. She could start fires but she couldn't control the power. Her second power was mind control. She could force anyone to do anything she wanted. All she had to do was look at them. And say it. The third power was telekinesis the power to move things with her mind.

When the time came to wake her they would do exactly as they planned. And she would carry it out just as she was programmed to do. And if somehow she failed her brother was there for them to fall back on. The brother who looked like his Pyro father and had both powers from his fathers was programmed differently.
He was programmed to just kill on sight. Both vessels had been progressed to age fast. They were currently 14 and so they were not to be wakened yet.

Those plans all went down the drain when the X Men heard about the breeding Lab and the plans.

"This Lab plans to use the DNA of Mutants to create what they call weapons. They create them to program them to kill other mutants. There are no reports of breeding yet so hopefully we can get there and take them down before they get started and solve the problem." Storm was saying and then her and the X Men along with Kitty Bobby and Pyro went with them for back up.

Once at the Lab the scientists were found to be human and so it wasn't hard to defeat them.

When they found the actual Lab it was locked and sealed shut. "We need to get in there and make sure no DNA samples are in there. Don't wanna risk any mutants blood being used like that." Storm said.

"I can get it open." Pyro offered and they backed away as he used his powers to burn the door to ashes and Bobby cooled the heat so they could go in.

Storm saw the two pods. The white vessels and she realized they must have been wrong. "Oh no." she said then she saw the blood samples she went over to look. She saw on both vials that the blood was mixed together. And the blood that was mixed was "Ice Man and Pyro." Storm said.

"What?" They both said at once. Storm went over and handed a vial to Logan "Those things in those vessels are created weapons created from blood mixed together. Pyro and Ice Man's blood mixed together. We need to open those pods." Storm said.

"Wait so those Pods are....would be our offspring?" Bobby asked not sure how to word it.

"Not the pods. What's in the pods. But yes you and Pyro are biologically the parents of whatever is in those pods." Storm explained and then went over to work the control panel she got it to open "Opening Pod. Awakening weapon 626." The computer said and the latch came off the pod and the door fell off too.

What they saw shocked them all.

"Holy shit. That's a little girl!" Logan snapped.

"According to the computer she's.......14 years old." Storm said reading and then saw the other pod.
"It won't let me open the second one. Maybe there's nothing in there.

Then the girl fell on the floor gasping for breath her eyes wide staring at the floor after a few moments she calmed and stood up.

She immediately sensed the two that shared her blood. She looked at them first. Her big brown eyes a perfect match to Pyro's own brown eyes. And he noticed them too. She looked at the rest of them then. She immediately sensed her first target Wolverine. "Target found." she stated in a robotic voice.

"She's already been programmed. What is your target?" Storm asked her.

Then 626 turned to the other Pod. "There is another." this time she sounded a little fascinated.

"Brother." She stated sensing that he was male. She raised her arm and used her telekinetic power to unlatch the pod and then disconnect the sleeping agent the door flew off his pod and everyone gasped when they saw him.

He was a near exact copy of Pyro. "Okay if we take him back with us how are we suppose to be able to tell the difference between him and Match stick?" Logan asked.

"He has both powers." 626 stated in an informative tone. "Ice and Fire. Both powers from both parental units." she said.

"Wait he has both our powers? How can both powers co exist in one body?" Pyro asked glancing at Bobby. Who shrugged.

"They can not. It will destroy him. I must extract one power or he will be destroyed." 626 stated.

"Can you do that?" Storm asked Then asked "What's your name? What's his name?"

"Name? I do not know this word" she said.

"What are you called?" Storm asked.

"Experiment 626" she said. Then she remembered something else "Also was I once called Fires starter."

"Is that your power? Fire?" Storm asked.

"That and others." 626 said.

"You have more then one power? What else can you do?" Storm asked and watched as 626 looked at Pyro "Parental unit come assist me." she said.

Pyro raised his brows "Me?" he asked as she looked at him .

She nodded her head.

"Okay then." he said and went over though he was on guard and a little leery. This was his daughter. His 14 year old daughter. And that was his son. And he was only 19 himself. He wasn't even sure he knew how to be a father. But he wanted to be a good father.

"Extend your arm." she said and he did. She then said "Now touch him" So Pyro leaned over and touched the boy. His arm glowed "What's happening?" he asked.

"The power given from your blood is being removed. Now he will have the power of ice. he will live now." She stated. When the glowing stopped he asked "does he still my blood in him?" he asked.
"Yes. It is only your power that was removed." she said.

Then the Pyro look alike opened his blue eyes and Pyro gasped. "Oh god. He has my face but Bobby's eyes?" Pyro stated confused.

He backed away a little bit.

The Younger version of Pyro that had Bobby's blue eyes stepped down and looked around. He too saw Wolverine "Target located." he said his hands froze preparing for attack. Pyro followed the line of vision and everyone else did too. Pyro looked back at the boy in disbelief "You have got to be kidding me? Wolverine is your target?" he asked.

"One of them." the girl answered and then got in her brothers way. He looked down at her surprised.

"You live? Then why have I awakened if you did not fail?" he asked.

"I woke you." she stated.

"Why? You have not failed. You are alive. You have not yet attacked the Wolverine. I am programmed to attack the targets on sight. But only if you had failed." he said.

"Okay that's just weird. These people think that mixing a boy with Pyro and Bobby's powers is powerful enough to kill me? Why do they want to kill me?" Logan asked.

"You are threat number 2." The boy stated.

"Who's threat number 1?" Storm asked.

"The mutant Charles Xavier." The boy said.

"Okay. Again I ask why?" Logan said.

"Why? We do not question our orders. We simply follow them." The boy stated.

"Yeah well no offense but your not powerful enough to destroy Charles Xavier. Not even before Pyro took the fire power from you." Storm said.

"By the time I was to wake up 626 would have weakened them enough if she had failed. She is beyond the power of Charles Xavier or any other mutant alive at the moment. She is a class 6. You can not begin to fathom the power she possesses." The boy said then he looked at Pyro. "You are one of my parental units. You took my power of fire. Why?" he asked.

"Because apparently it would have killed you. What's your name?" Pyro asked.

"I am called 625" he said.

"Okay I think you guys need real names. Let's see. Bobby do you want to name the boy or the girl. I'll name one and you can name the other." Pyro said as he looked at Bobby.

Bobby thought about that "I'll name the boy." he said then thought up a name "How about....Mason?" Bobby asked.

Pyro nodded in agreement. "There so now your human name is Mason ." he said to Mason

Then he looked over at the girl "And you can be.....Terra." he told her.

Terra looked at him "I do not see the need for another name. For what purpose do I need a second name?" She asked.

"Because first of all 626 isn't a name. It's a number. And I am not gonna go around calling my kid a number. Plus your a girl. Terra is a pretty girl name. I thought you could live with it." Pyro said.

"Well if there coming then we'll need to put them to sleep and erase their programming other wise they will constantly be trying to kill Logan an the professor." Storm said.

"I do not need a human name to complete my mission." Terra said.

Pyro scoffed "Your not gonna complete your mission. Your not a weapon. Your a person. Your a kid. Your my kid. And I say your not gonna be used liked that." Pyro stated bluntly.

"You do not have the authorization to terminate my mission!" Terra stated.

"Maybe not but I have the authority to say your not gonna do it." Pyro said.

"Okay guys we can fight over who's more dominant later but for now we need to get back to the school." Logan said.

Since it was in her programming Terra agreed to go. Mason for some reason sensed the Pyro was the dominant one and therefor must be obeyed and so he would do as he was told as long as it was Pyro that gave the order. "I will do whatever you ask." Mason said to Pyro.

"Good, That's good." Pyro said and they went back to the manor.

Things were okay until Charles Xavier wheeled into the infirmary to help out.

Mason lunged but was grabbed by Pyro who saw it coming. He had him pinned against his own chest the younger boy was several inches shorter still. "Stop!" Pyro commanded. And the boy stilled but he also whimpered and whined like a puppy being told to go to bed.

"I suppose I will help Miss Terra first." Xavier said as he went over to the girl.

He then said "Lay down my dear."

She willingly laid down knowing he was no threat to her.

Xavier went to work caging some of her powers strength and then he used his own powers to erase the programming from her mind. Giving her a voice of her own and a personality as well.
Her eyes remained closed as she slept.
"When she wakes she will be a normal mutant. I trapped two of her powers inside her mind to lessen the danger. She is very powerful. The power to light fires. The power of telekinesis and the power to control others. All very strong powers and all very hard to control. I weakened them by a couple degrees. She can still do them if she needs to. But she can't do them all the time. Now your turn young man." He said with a smile.

Said young man with Pyro's face growled "Your not touching me! Your not making me weak!" he yelled.

"Stop!" Pyro commanded shaking the boy slightly and not releasing his hold.

The boy stopped. "Now listen to me. We aren't doing this to hurt you. We want to help you. And I am gonna get tired of you trying to kill Logan and the professor so it's better if we just get rid of the programming so you can be a normal mutant." Pyro said.

"But I will never be a normal mutant. I have your face and his eyes. And....This is not why I was created! I was not created to live a life. I was created to destroy it. I have no further purpose then that." The boy said.


"Yes Sir." Mason said.

Okay that was just weird. Pyro thought.

Pyro let go and Mason went over to Xavier for his turn. The only difference was that he woke right afterwards and boy did he have an attitude.

Pyro and Bobby were going to have their hands full.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 3

Okay this has a scene from movie two though it was altered because of the relationship and stuff.

Other pairings include Scott/ Logan

The school.

Bobby woke late one night feeling hungry he squirmed out of Pyro's hold without waking him which wasn't easy. Then he went to the kitchen to get something to snack on. Logan came in looking for beer and Bobby laughed at him "Dude this is a school."

Logan took a coke instead and then looked at Bobby exspectantly Bobby sighed and took the bottled coke then used his power blowing into it to make it chilled so that it was cold then handed it back with a smirk.
Logan took a sip and they talked for a moment. "So how's things with you and Match stick?" Logan asked.

Bobby laughed Logan had some funny nicknames for Pyro. "It's great as always. What about you and Scott?" Bobby asked.

Logan grinned wickedly "Same." then he paused he thought he heard something in the manor. Bobby was about to say something when Logan held up his hand "Shh." Logan warned as he stood up his claws came out and he saw the intruders he plunged his claws into two of them and Bobby ran finding lots of the other kids already up out their beds and running around the halls.

He saw Pyro when he passed "Pyro!" Bobby yelled and Pyro stopped in his tracks going over to Bobby "What the hell is going on?" Pyro asked.

"The school's being invaded." Bobby said.

Pyro thought only for a moment he took Bobby's hand "Come on. I know a short cut."

"What about Logan and the others?" Bobby asked.

"There not my concern. You are. Sides Logan can handle himself and everyone else. Trust me. I know where we can go." Pyro said dragging Bobby through the secret passage out to the garage and he had the keys to one of the cars while Bobby got in front Pyro got in the drivers seat and drove.

"Where are we going?" Bobby asked.

Pyro with his attention on the road answered "Last summer I bought a house with the money that my grandmother left me. It's a cabin. We're going there. We'll be safe there. It's fully stocked with food and everything we need. I stored it just in case I could talk you into going there with me this summer. Guess we're going early. I have my cell phone so Logan can call if he wants too know where we are." Pyro explained.

Bobby didn't say much else. Pyro drove to his cabin and they both went back to sleep in the big bed. Bobby would inspect the place when he woke up.

The phone rang some time later. Pyro woke and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey where are you guys?" Logan asked curious.

"Oh." Pyro glanced over at Bobby who was still asleep then he got up and went into the living room "We're at my cabin. The one I told you about. Sorry about last night. We weren't trying to ditch you guys. I just figured you could handle things without us. So how did things go?" Pyro asked.

"Well for the most part things are okay. Jean is dead. Scott's kinda upset about that cause they were friends. But most of the kids are fine. No one was hurt. The manor is safe again but it's okay if you want to stay at the cabin for a while. But we would like for you guys to come back eventually." Logan said.

"Yeah we'll come back. I think we'll stay for a week or two though. Maybe a month but no longer then that." Pyro promised.

Logan scoffed "Okay well don't spend all your time naked alright?" Logan warned.

"yeah I know. Same goes for you!" Pyro tossed back and then hung up the phone.

He climbed back in bed with Bobby and snuggled closer to him holding him securely, Protectively and then went to sleep.

Fire and Ice chapter 2

Pyro was definitely the dominant one in their relationship both in bed and out. Pyro controlled how things went and Controlled Bobby and Bobby loved it. They were pretty close in height but Pyro was about an inch or two taller then Bobby unless Bobby had shoes on then they were the same height.

But even though Bobby loved the control there was also a small part of him that rebelled against it. Not because he didn't want to be controlled but because he just couldn't fully accept it. He had an urge to test the limits at some times in the relationship.

He remembered the first time Pyro had punished him.

It was two months after establishing their strong relationship and Bobby had ditched class and gone to the mall without telling anyone. One of the rules for their relationship was communication. Bobby had left without leaving a note or even telling Pyro that he was ditching for the mall. Bobby was gone nearly the whole day. He had actually gotten lost in the mall because it was so huge. And he suddenly realized how late and was and headed back home he turned his phone on realizing that it had been shut off all this time and he had 3 voice mails and Pyro had called three times. He listened to the messages which the first one was Pyro saying "Bobby where the hell are you? Call me." The second message was again Pyro  "Why aren't you answering your phone? Where the hell are you! Call me. I'm worried." Pyro sounded a little more irritated in that one and then the third message where he just sounded pissed off "Why don't you ever answer this thing? Call me when you get this!"

Bobby who was stuck with a long walk home late at night decided to call Pyro.

"Where the hell are you!" Pyro's demanded as he answered the phone seeing it was Bobby.

"Well Hello to you too." Bobby greeted back.

"Answer me. Where are you? Where have you been all day? And why didn't you tell me if you were gonna go somewhere?" Pyro shot the questions fast.

Bobby squirmed "I was at the mall wondering around I just now realized what time it was. I didn't know my phone was shut off until I checked it a minute ago. Stop worrying I'm walking home right now." Bobby said.

"Okay first of all WHY was your phone shut off? I mean seriously you take off and then don't remember to turn your phone on? That makes no sense. And second WHY are you walking home? It's dark outside." Pyro lectured.

"Sheesh what are you my mother?" Bobby sassed "I can defend myself I am a mutant after all. I'm in no danger. So you can drop the alpha male act Pyro." Bobby said in a joking tone.

Hearing his lover taking things so lightly made him angry "Do you think I'm playing with you?" he asked.

Bobby lost his smile as he heard Pyro's serious tone.

"Oh come on Pyro. Don't be made at me." Bobby begged wanting the fight to be over.

"Where are you exactly?" Pyro asked.

"I'm still in the mall parking lot. Heading home. Why?" Bobby asked.

"Stay put Bobby. I'm coming to get you." Pyro said and hung up the phone then he went to Logan's room and asked to borrow his car so that he could go pick up Bobby so that Bobby wasn't walking home alone. Logan tossed him the keys and since he knew all about what had happened and how Pyro had been left to worry all day he said "Beat his ass kid." Pyro nodded grimly having already planned on that and then left for the in the car racing towards the mall.

Bobby waited near the ally way near the mall sulking knowing his lover was mad at him then he saw 3 guys leaving the mall and heading his way one of them licked his lips and Bobby was leaning against the wall as they approached.

"Hey freak get your own wall. This is ours." One guy said.

"Funny. I don't see your name on it." Bobby sassed.

"I don't need my name on it. Kid you don''t know who your messing with." the guy said.

Bobby smirked "I think your the one that doesn't know who he's messing with. If I were you I'd grow a brain fast and walk away and leave me alone." Bobby warned. He wasn't like Pyro who was more then willing to hurt people if they even tried to challenge him. The way Pyro saw it was that if they were gonna pick on you then you had every right to defend yourself. But Bobby like to bluff and throw warnings around to buy time to get out of it so that no one got hurt.

Pyro drove into the parking lot seeing a couple of guys near the ally and also saw Bobby cornered by then he gunned the black Lamborghini and screeched the tires as he came to a stop he opened the door getting out at which point Bobby cursed and headed over to Pyro who was glaring at the guys behind him.

"Is there a problem here?" Pyro asked fingering his lighter in his pocket and Bobby lightly pushed him "No there is not a problem can we just go?" Bobby asked.

Pyro now turned his glare on Bobby "Get in the car." Pyro ordered and Bobby rushed to get in the car Pyro lingered for another moment glaring death at the guys and then got in the car and drove away gunning it.

As Pyro drove he took turns glancing from Bobby to the road. "What was that about?" Bobby asked.

"Why don't you tell me?" Pyro asked back.

Bobby sighed "They were just some punks okay? They weren't gonna hurt me. I wouldn't have let them. I would have scared them off if they had tried anything. But they didn't do anything. We were barely getting into it when you showed up." Bobby admitted.

"Yeah like that's any better?" Pyro scoffed.

"It is better. Come on Pyro no harm done." Bobby insisted.

"Oh you just wait til we get back home. Then we'll see how you feel about no harm having been done." Pyro said.

Bobby glanced over. Okay what was that suppose to mean?

When they got back Bobby stalked to their room while Pyro hung Logan's keys on a hook and followed to their room at a slower pace.

"What's your problem?" Bobby asked the obviously pissed off Pyro as he slammed the door and locked it.

"What are the rules we set for each other in this relationship?" Pyro asked.

Bobby gulped "Rule one: Respect. Rule two: communication and rule three: honesty."

"And which of those did you break?" Pyro asked.

"Come on Pyro I didn't think you would care if I went to the mall. You gonna tell me I can't go places now?" Bobby asked.

"No. Bobby I don't care that you went to the mall. I care that you didn't tell me and that I was stuck most of the day worrying about you and trying to call you and you didn't even have your phone on. Now what did we agree on Bobby?" Pyro said angrily.

Bobby gulped again at that question "We agreed there would be punishment for rules broken. Your punishment would be no sex for a certain amount of time and mine was a spanking." Bobby said.

"Right. Now since you decided to break the rules I have to carry out that punishment. I won't enjoy this anymore then you will but it has to be done." Pyro said with determination in his voice.

"Oh come on. Your not serious." Bobby said.

"I am always serious when it comes to our relationship. I told you this isn't a game. If you want me forever then you'll have me forever. But there are three things I demand at all times and I owe the same to you. I am more the capable of doing my part. And when you don't do your part I have to do something about it. That's why we talked about punishment. You told me yourself that sometimes you do stupid things and immature things. And you act without thinking and that's when we talked about options about what would happen if you broke a rule. I wasn't willing to end our relationship just because you are on the childish side but I am willing to spank your butt three shades of red to make you think twice before breaking a rule again." Pyro said.

The first spanking hadn't been all that bad actually. Only thirty swats on his bare bottom given with Pyro's hand. He had had much worse since then and for much worse deeds.

More rules had been added rules that only Bobby had to follow.

Rule 1: Respect
Rule 2: communication
Rule 3 Honesty
Rule 4: No drinking (Do yourself a favor and don't ask!)
Rule 5: No smoking (Even though there's like 3 lighters stashed in the room!)
Rule 6: No hurting yourself. (DON'T ASK!!)
Rule 7: No jumping onto Pyro's car while he's driving at a break neck speed. (Hey it seemed fun at the time!)
Rule 8: No bringing home wild animals. (Okay maybe that had been a dumb idea)
Rule 9: No stealing Pyro's lighters! (That was carved in stone and Bobby had been spanked the most for that.)
Rule 10: No letting Rogue flirt with him. (Bobby almost always stopped her now when she flirted.)

Course he wouldn't have all those rules if he hadn't been so dumb that first year. Pyro made up all those extra rules after Bobby had done each crazy thing. And the last rule was more because of Rogue then Bobby. Bobby was always polite but Pyro still wanted him to tell Rogue to back off is she was flirting since Pyro and Rogue when they were near each other never had a nice word for each other. They usually stared daggers while Pyro was overly possessive of Bobby.

Despite the fact that Pyro was definitely the dominant one of the relationship Bobby didn't mind. In fact he preferred it that way. The only error Pyro seemed to have was his quick temper. And he never allowed himself to lose his temper with Bobby.

Pyro had along with the rules introduces implements for the really bad stuff.

The first three rules Pyro would use his hand if Bobby broke them. Then with rules 4-6 Pyro would use his hand the first time. The second time he would use a hair brush that Bobby had developed a hatred for. If he dared to do it a third time then he would get the hand. The hairbrush and also a belt on top of all that.
Rules 7-9 Pyro usually used his hand but it could easily turn into a hair brush spanking if Bobby had an attitude or wasn't cooperative like he should be.
Rule 10 was more of a guideline and Pyro wouldn't punish Bobby just because he wouldn't be rude to Rogue. That would be wrong.

Though Bobby didn't get punished all that much. There were more then just punishment spankings. Sometimes if Pyro was in a playful mood he would play spank him before sex.

The biggest difference between a play spanking and a real spanking was that a when Bobby got a play spanking he could get up to 100 swats and not shed a tear because the swats weren't really bad. With a punishment spanking Bobby would be in tears long before it was over and when it was over Bobby would be feeling it for days. Maybe even the whole week. Bobby was pretty good usually. Or at least he tried to be. And so it wasn't often that he got punished.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rp Part 2

Pyro was annoyed at how slowly Bobby was doing things. He had warned his lover not to push him any further or he'd end up with a blistered bottom, but Bobby went on and did it anyway. Pyro decided that he would follow through with his threat and make sure Bobby knew he was completely serious. The longer it took Bobby to get to him, it only made Pyro want to add more punishment. Bobby would be having much difficulty sitting down after Pyro was through with him. Pyro was, for the most part, sure that Bobby wouldn't be trying anything again, at least while his butt still hurt.

Bobby took the last couple of steps then stopped just out of Pyro's reach. "Can't we talk about this?" Bobby begged. 

Pyro snatched his wrist and pulled him close. "I told you what would happen if you tried to go on top of again and you completely decided to ignore me and do it any way. Now I'm going to do exactly what I told you I would do," He took the hairbrush."Do you remember what I said about going on top again?"

Bobby cringed his stomach was in knots now. "Yeah. You said you'd blister my butt." Bobby answered trying to keep the attitude out of his tone but he wasn't sure that he was successful with that. Two years together and Pyro still scared the crap out of him when he had that brush in his hands. He gently tried to tug his wrist out of Pyro's grasp. 

Pyro squeezed his wrist tighter and guided Bobby over his lap. "I really hate to do this, Bobby, but you oughta know that I won't ever hesitate to keep you in line in this relationship..." He raised one knee higher so that Bobby's bottom would be at a perfect angle and be a good target. He picked the brush up and raised it high.
Now bare across Pyro's knee Bobby couldn't help but squirm and whimper as he waited for that first whack from the hairbrush. He knew this wasn't gonna be pretty. In fact it was REALLY going to hurt. He tried to brace himself but he knew he deserved it. You couldn't just push the limits especially when you were in a relationship where your boyfriend loved you enough to keep his promise when threatening to punish you. 

Pyro wrapped one arm around Bobby's waist to hold him tight. With the other, he quickly brought down the brush down hard on his backside over and over again. He was going to make it a point to see his whole bottom turn a flaming red.

Bobby clenched his teeth but his resistance only lasted a short time. 
"Ow! Pyro that hurts!" Bobby yelped loud as his bottom really began to sting and burn. He kicked his legs together in an attempt to lessen the pain rising on his butt. 

"Yeah, I know it hurts. I told you I was going to blister your butt and that's what I'm going to do. We're nowhere near done." He trapped bobby's legs under his and continued to bring down the brush hard on Bobby's bottom that was quickly changing color.

Bobby's yelps got louder and he found he was glad that the walls were sound proof and that their door was locked. His bottom already felt like it was on fire. He grabbed the sheets with both his hands to keep from trying to reach back and cover his bottom. Bobby knew Pyro would not appreciate anymore defiance from him. Tears pricked his eyes as the burn just got worse. And this was difference between play and punishment. In play he hadn't shed a tear. In punishment he was already practically crying and Pyro had said they weren't near done yet.

Pyro continued the hard and fast spanking with the brush for five minutes. He then paused to look the bottom before him. It was a bright red in color, he could see some small raised welts. Pyro brushed his hand over his bottom, feeling the heat. But the punishment still wasn't over. He wanted to make sure that he covered every inch of his bottom. He picked up the brush again and parted Bobby's cheeks to get the sensitive part of the inner cheeks. "Loosen up," He ordered as he spread his cheeks and placed his brush in the area, getting ready to swat.

Bobby was crying now and seriously sorry that he had ever pushed Pyro but he flinched and shivered in pain as Pyro's hand touched his bottom Bobby did as he was ordered. He loosened up as Pyro spread his cheeks. He had a bad feeling about this. His bottom was already blazing hot and he had screamed at least once through the spanking. If not twice. With tears still streaming down his face steadily and his bottom on fire Bobby bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed and waited.....

Pyro had a feeling Bobby would be biting his lip. "Don't do that!" He growled and brought the brush down hard in his crack. He didn't want his lover hurting himself or getting hurt at all. Nothing more than a spanking. He wasn't gonna have him bite his delicate lips and make them bleed.

Since Bobby was already biting his lip the whack on his crack made him bite harder and he really was bleeding now and now he had pain on his lower lip as well as his blazing bottom. Too late Bobby thought at Pyro's words. But seriously HOW did Pyro always know what he was doing? Bobby wondered briefly then he flinched as he bit his lip again to keep from screaming at the next smack. This wasn't being defiant. Was it? Bobby really wasn't sure. He then wondered how many he was going to get on that very sensitive spot? 

Pyro sighed and gave him five hard swats in the sensitive areas on each side. Then he quickly went over his bottom again, making sure to cover his thighs too. After three minutes, he was done and tossed the brush away at the floor. He hated having his lover crying and in tears.

Bobby lay there feeling pitiful he had bit his lip so hard that he could feel a line of blood going down his chin. He hated making Pyro angry enough to really spank him. Neither of them enjoyed it. And Bobby was in agony his bottom sorer then it had been for a while. And torn his lip would be sensitive too. Pyro wouldn't be happy about his torn lip or the blood going down his chin. 

Pyro sat Bobby up on his lap and grabbed his chin. He could see the blood dripping down his chin, and staining the sheets. "What the hell did I tell you?!" He said angry, angry that his lover was hurt. He tried controlling his anger and as best as he could, gently took Bobby into the bathroom and sat him on the toilet.

Bobby yelped as he sat on his blistered bottom tears falling from eyes again "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. That spanking fucking hurt! It was either bite my lip or scream." Bobby whined knowing that was pretty lame because no one would have heard him anyways if he had screamed. He just didn't like screaming because he sounded less manly so he preferred not to do it. He would have threw a glare at his lover but instead he aimed it at the floor not quite daring to aim it at Pyro at the moment.

"Don't glare at me."Pyro put some hydrogenated water onto a gauze and used it to clean Bobby's lip and make it stop bleeding. He then put some ointment on it to numb his lip and protect it from infection.

"I wasn't glaring at you! I was glaring at the floor!" Bobby snapped. wincing as Pyro tended to his lip. Oops. That may have been said with a little too much attitude. 

As soon as he was done, Pyro lifted Bobby up and gave his rump a smack for the attitude. "Are you going to behave? Or do you need more help?"

Bobby yelped when his blistered butt was slapped and without thinking he yanked his arm away and took several steps away ten stopped eying his lover wearily

Pyro went after him and pushed him onto the bed. He gave him a kiss on his jaw.
"I'll let you be a lone for a while." He put some pants on and left the room.

Feeling sad now that pyro had left bobby put on his hirt and slid on his pants over his very tender bottom he laid on his own bed not sure if pyro would want him in his bed and now that he thought his lover was mad at him he hid under his blanket and began to cry at that moment he hated himself for making pyro leave. soon he cried himself to sleep.

Pyro walked around the school and saw Rogue sitting in the library. He walked over to her, he was only wearing his jeans. "You stay away from Bobby, you hear??"

Rogue eyed Pyro for a moment then said "What is your problem? Me and Bobby are just friends." Rogue insisted. 

"I don't care! I don't want you touching him, talking to him, or looking at him!" He growled angrily. He was angry that Bobby was upset with him and hurt and that he didn't even give him the chance to comfort him after the spanking. Without thinking, he grabbed Rogue's wrist to strike her, but as soon as he touched her, he began to be drained of his power.

Rogue gasped in panic and then jerked away and then ran to her bed room and locked the door. 

 Pyro passed out in the library. Hank found him some minutes later and took him to the infirmary.

Bobby woke in the morning finding that Pyro had not returned now worried Bobby went looking around the school. He checked everywhere and found his love in the infirmary. What the hell had happened while he was asleep? He wondered.
"What happened?" Bobby asked.