bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

RP part 1

A friend and I are RPING with these characters I am Bobby and my friend is Pyro I wanted to post these because right now they are only in my inbox and they are way too fun to be kept privet so I am putting them on here. 

Summary: Bobby and Pyro play and then Bobby earns punishment. 

Pyro was laying in his bed, sheets covering his head. His alarm clock had been ringing nonstop for the past forty minutes, but he still managed to sleep right on through it. He was in absolutely no mood to wake up and go to classes today. In fact, he had been skipping classes throughout the week, and today he had decided he would skip all of his classes.

Bobby who had been woken up by Pyro's alarm after the first time it went off was now dressed and ready for class he briefly thought about trying to shake Pyro awake but it wasn't like pyro ever woke up for classes anyways. He was almost always late either that or he never showed up at all. Bobby pressed a light kiss to his boyfriends head and then went out the door and made his way to class.

Pyro stayed in bed as Bobby went to class.

Logan was in the danger room, taking role. He looked at his list then saw Bobby walk in. "Where's the firebug?"

Bobby grinned "Just wait. He'll be here." Bobby assured him even though he was sure that was a lie. He figured Logan would start the class and hopefully at the end he wouldn't notice that Pyro hadn't shown up again. Then again Logan never seemed to miss much. He always paid attention and was aware of his surrounding. Bobby sighed and lined up waiting for Logan to start the class. Deep down there was a small hope that maybe Pyro would show up. Pyro never seemed to miss lunch though. That might be because Pyro and Bobby always ate together though. Bobby decided that if Pyro didn't show up by the end of class he was going to go to their room and wake him up. Then again the last time he had done that Pyro had snatched Bobby's waste and pulled him on the bed too and trapped him there for a make out session. Well either way it would be fun to see what would happen this time. Suddenly he couldn't wait for class to be over.

"I'm gonna need to talk to that match stick...." Logan growled slightly and put his list away. "Alright, I just want everyone to choose a partner and spar for the whole period." Logan told them as he sat down to watch everyone.

Pyro finally woke up and went into the bathroom to shower. He dressed himself in black skinny jeans, black leather boots. He wore a red t-shirt and combed his hair back with hair grease.

Bobby was approached by Rogue "Hey let's spar together." and so Bobby agreed even though he knew that his boyfriend Pyro really hated Rogue. Everyone knew of her crush on Bobby. Which was why Pryo didn't like her. She was always hitting on him. Then again Pryo wasn't there to get jealous so Bobby began sparing with Rogue. A smile creeping on his face as it went from training to fun.

As Rogue tried blocking Bobby's punch, she purposely guided guided Bobby's hand to her breast and giggled.

Pyro had gotten ready and waited outside the dangeroom for Bobby.

Bobby blushed and then tried his best to give her a stern look to warn her off but just as always she never could take a hint. Class was soon over and they were dismissed and Rogue tagged along next to Bobby as he went out the door and ran right into another mutant "sorry." Bobby apologized then he saw it was Pryo. Then Bobby smirked "Hey, I see you finally woke up." Bobby then noticed that Rogue was still right beside him he briefly wondered if Pyro would tell her to get lost or something. Then he gazed at his boyfriend waiting for Pyro to make a move.

"Yeah, I can tell you were having fun without me," Pyro told Bobby and scowled at Rogue. "Don't you have to go somewhere and touch yourself?" He rolled his eyes at the girl and pulled Bobby away with him to lunch.

Bobby was practically dragged to the lunch table that only the two of them sat at. Bobby ate some of his food before saying anything he suddenly smirked at the way Pyro had treated Rogue. "You are so mean to her you know that? She's just a friend to me. I mean yeah she'd like more but she already knows I'll never leave you. " Bobby commented then took a drink of his soda before saying "You know you pretty cute when your jealous." Bobby said which Pyro had once said the same thing to him. and Bobby's eyes sparkled with amusement and he stole a fruit cup from Pyro's plate knowing Pyro wouldn't eat it anyways. Everyone in the school knew about them and were okay with it which made Bobby like the school that much more. He ripped into the fruit cup forking the peaches as he waited to see if Pyro would respond with his usual 'Bitch needs a hobby' speech about Rogue. Or if he would say something new this time. 

Pyro blushed a little when Bobby called him cute. "I'm not jealous," He told him, trying to hide a smirk. "I just don't like her...And she should get her own Bobby..."He combed his hair back.

Bobby smirked and nodded "Yeah that's what I keep telling her too. You know you scare the shit out of her. She's terrified of you" Then Bobby's hand crept under the table to gently grasp Pyro's hand and continued eating with his other hand. No one could see it of course because half of the tables were blocked from view so they were perfectly safe holding hands. "So you gonna go to the next class after lunch? Or are you gonna leave me at the mercy of Rogue? You know when your around she barely has the guts to come near me. She only flirts when your not there to protect me." Bobby informed and then lightly bumped shoulders with him. 

"What? That whore!" Pyro glared around the room, trying to find Rogue sitting somewhere. "I'm going with you to the next class just to make sure no lame girl or guy bothers you." He scooted a little closer to Bobby, trying to protect his property.

Bobby slightly blushed at Pyro's possessive nature. Though he also loved it. He looked over at the clock and warned Pyro "Only about ten more minutes for lunch then we have science class with Scott then we get a break. So you wanna go to the game room after that? Or do you wanna go back to our room?" he asked curiously.
"I've missed you this whole morning so I want you in my room. We could also skip science class," He suggested as he waited for Bobby to finish eating his food so that they could start walking and have some short time to makeout before everyone came.

"skip science class? Alright." Bobby agreed easily as he finished his lunch then he got up to throw the tray away and they headed to their shared room Bobby heard Pyro shut the door firmly behind them and then found himself plastered against the wall trapped by his boyfriends body while said boyfriend was looking down at him eyeing his lips hungrily. Bobby's hands roamed Pyro's back and pulled him in closer. "I missed you too." Bobby said and felt himself growing hard as Pyro pressed against him grinding their bodies together. 
Pyro kissed Bobby's neck and began pulling his shirt up. "How bad did you miss me?" He whispered hotly into his ear.

Bobby raised his arms letting Pyro take his shirt off and then he grabbed Pyro's shirt and pulled it up and over his head to drop on the floor he leaned over and gave Pyro's chest a hot open mouthed kiss and then lightly brushed Pyro's right peck with his tongue. "Pretty bad. Why?" Bobby asked curious as he gazed up at Pyro now with passion filled eyes. 

Pyro's whole body felt hot, hotter than usual, as he felt Bobby's tongue against his skin. "I need to know." He informed his lover and pushed him to the bed. "Were you naughty? Is there something you did today that you don't want to tell me about? Tell me, how many girls looked at you today?" He licked his lips and walked towards him.
Bobby landed on his back on the bed trying to keep the grin from his face as he answered "How many girls looked at me? Man I can't count that high!" Bobby teased. As for the naughty question Bobby thought about that and knew that could mean one of two things. One of which was a playful spanking and because he kinda wanted Pyro to smack his ass he thought about what he could say. Then he thought about what Rogue had done. With his luck Pyro might have seen it anyways. "There may have been an incident in the danger room." Bobby said adopting a shamed look on his face. Though this was all part of the game. They like to play before getting to the hot sex. He waited to see if Pyro already knew or if he would ask about it. Bobby waited in anticipation for Pyro to make his next move. 

"Oh, many girls? That sounds awfully naughty to me," He sat down on the bed, next to Bobby, "Do tell me, what else did you do? And don't even think about lying to me." He looked into his icy blue eyes, melting them with his own eyes as he ran his fingers through Bobby's brown hair.

Bobby gulped but he wouldn't lie. He knew there was a chance that the play spanking could turn into a real spanking once Pyro heard but Bobby would just have to take that chance and let Pyro decide. "Well....Uh." It was slightly hard to concentrate with Pyro's fingers in his hair. "Logan made us pick partners and spar and Rogue snatched me before I could pick a partner then during our training she kinda deliberately moved so that I ended up touching her breast." Bobby confessed and prayed that Pyro wouldn't go kill the stupid girl. Pyro stopped petting his hair. "That disgusting rat..." He growled slightly but decided that his lover had been honest and he didn't want to ruin the mood he was currently in. He'd think of that later.
"No matter," He tried turning Bobby over on his stomach. "I've got to punish you for being naughty while I was gone."He smirked.
Pyro dragged him down so his bottom was on the edge of the bed. He slipped his fingers into his waist band, teasing him for a while. He then began rubbing the seat of his pants, getting Bobby ready for a nice little warm up. "So how many girls were looking at the naughty boy today, hm?" He smirked.
Uh oh. Bobby thought as Pyro flipped him over on his stomach well at least he still had his pants on Bobby looked over and saw Pyro had a slight smirk on his face. that alone put him at ease and he lay there submissively waiting for the first smack. 
Bobby looked back giving his lover an evil look "I already told you I can't count that high." Bobby sassed in a joking tone. Then he waited to see what Pyro would do. If Pyro pushed it he would just make up a number. Then he got sassy again "Wait are we talking like how many girls saw or glanced at me? or how many were actually looking?"
"Yeah well since you won't tell me, what percentage did you get on your last math test, hm?" He asked, still rubbing his bottom. He knew Bobby always did exceptionally well, so he would use that number to spank him since he wasn't gonna say how many girls saw him.

Oooo. Ouch Bobby thought. Maybe being a smart ass wasn't the smartest idea. His last math test? He had done pretty well on that. He squirmed slightly but finally spit it out " It was one of my higher grades. I got a 89%" Bobby had a feeling he knew why Pyro was asking that. Pyro couldn't help but smile. "Let's round that to 90 and that's how many you're getting." He smirked and swatted him.

Eeek. Oh well. Bobby endured several of the smacks and they varied between light and firm and Bobby never knew where they would land. Pyro had perfected spanking into an art. Especially spanking Bobby or at least that's how it seemed to Bobby. Weather it was punishment or play spanking Pyro seemed to be a pro. Bobby began to squirm but just barely. Though he tried his best to just lay still and absorb the swats as they continued to get higher in number the sting in his bottom also grew.  Pyro was satisfied with every moan or squirm he received from his lover. After thirty swats, he paused and rubbed his bottom briefly before pulling his jeans down just to his knees. He continued spanking him on his boxers, rhythmically and with a pattern. Then he'd break the pattern so that Bobby never knew when to expect the next swat.

Bobby whined slightly when his pants were pulled down and the heat was rising with every smack Pyro delivered to his boxer clad butt. And he squirmed even more and moaned trying not to be too loud but also making sure it was loud enough for Pyro to hear him.  "We're only at sixty. Does your little bottom hurt?" Pyro looked at his lover as he slowly pulled down his boxers. He swatted his bottom as they came down and stopped when they were at his knees with his jeans.
"Ouch! Yes. Can you not hear me yelping down here?" Bobby sassed his tone sarcastic and now that he was bare bottomed he knew he was running out of courage and wouldn't be able to keep up with his back talking for much longer. His bottom was past stinging and was beginning to burn. It was definitely heating up. And he was apparently getting the rest on his bare bottom. Bobby couldn't tell anymore if they were playing or if it were punishment or if it was both. When the first stinging swat landed on his bare bottom Bobby tried to roll away to get his bottom out of the line of fire. 

It was definitely both punishment and fun. Pyro had intended for it to be all in fun but after hearing about what happened with Rogue, he couldn't help but make it into a bit of a punishment.
Pyro figured the whole spanking had been a bit rough and he intended to finish it that way, but he would make it at least a little bit more fun since Bobby was now gonna get it on the bare. "Stand up." He told his sweet lover.

Bobby's head spinning with curiosity as Pyro told him to stand up;. He was a little relieved to get off the bed and he stood up waiting...
Pyro pulled his lover closer to him and rubbed his bottom. He positioned him so that he could swat his bottom while hugging him around his waist at the same time. Pyro sat on the bed, with Bobby's knees on the outside of his legs.
"I'm gonna make these quick and they'll sting the most, okay?" He rubbed his smooth bottom.

"Okay." Bobby squeaked out half in fear and half in anticipation for the spanking to be over. He held onto that circled him keeping him in position. And just waited...

Pyro held him and gave him fifteen hard stinging swats then rubbed his red bottom and gave him fifteen last playful swats.
Bobby had leaned a little forward at the first fifteen and whimpered and moaned through them. Then after the last fifteen a sigh of relief left his lips. He had figured out that it wasn't all about punishment because when Pyro punished him it happened hard and fast and Bobby would be in tears before it was over. The fact that he had just taken so many swats and hadn't shed a tear told him that Pyro wasn't truly punishing him. When that last playful smack landed Bobby licked his dry lips and he waited to see if Pyro was done. He wanted to make sure before he tried to get up and kiss him. He would wait until Pyro let him off his lap. "I think I learned my lesson. So can I get up yet?" Bobby asked his tone hopeful and pleading. He wondered what color his bottom was? Maybe he should ask Pyro? His bottom burned but all he wanted to do was be all over his fiery hot lover. And have his fiery hot lover all over him of course.  Pyro pulled him into a kiss and smiled. "You can get up now."

Bobby accepting the kiss then he stood up and kicked his pants and boxers off so that now he was naked and he knelt on the floor before Pyro leaning in to kiss him "I'll have to skip the rest of my classes now too. Logan is gonna kill us. I won't be able to sit on those stupid hard chairs though. Thank you very much for that by the way." Bobby kissed him again leaning in so that now Pyro was laying on the bed with Bobby on top of him kissing him though he should have known better. Pyro never allowed him to be on top or control how they did things. Bobby never minded and even enjoyed that Pyro controlled the relationship and him. His burning bottom was only one example of the control Pyro had over Bobby. 
"What have I told you about being on top?" He pushed him to the side so that he would be on top now. He began kissing his neck.

Bobby slightly winced when his bottom touched the covers but he settled down trying to relax " There are several different things you've said. Which are you referring to?" Bobby sassed then added " And Hey how come I'm the only one that has to be naked here?" Bobby asked as he ran his hands down Pyro's back and then cupped the firm ass of his lover pressing them closer he could feel Pyro's hardness and his own as well. Despite the fact that his power was ice Bobby was burning up. Bobby moaned out and then squirmed as Pyro was sucking on his neck. 
Pyro began undoing his pants as he sucked on his lover's neck. He loved the feeling of his skin under him and it was getting more difficult to control himself every time his lover's legs rubbed up against his hardness.
Bobby reached down intent on helping Pyro slip off his jeans and watched as they were kicked aside off the bed and now they were both naked and Bobby though he knew better he tackled Pyro before he could cover Bobby again and now once again reversed their positions so that he was on top and he kissed Pyro while grinding their naked flesh together. Though he knew that wouldn't save him. It was worth the punishing swat Pyro would give him for it right before reversing their positions. But for the moment Bobby enjoyed being on top. 
Pyro was beginning to get annoyed. He pulled Bobby down, closer to his body, but only to land a hard swat on his already tender red bottom. He then put Bobby underneath him once more and grinded up against him.
He could have sworn he just heard Pyro growl....
"Ouch!" Bobby yelped at the sharp swat Then pouted. Okay maybe it wasn't worth it after all. He guessed his only option was to behave before he pissed Pyro off enough to spank him for real. And accepted it as Pyro was once again on top of him he raised up to meet Pyro's grinding motions and he wrapped his legs around Pyro's waist opening himself up to vulnerability. His bottom exposed for whatever Pyro wanted to do now. He could either swat him some more which Bobby hoped he wouldn't because he didn't think he had pissed him off that much. Or he could do other things. Pyro was in control though as always. And Bobby loved it. 
Pyro grinned as Bobby wrapped his legs around him. He squeezed his hot red butt cheeks and held his hips, teasing his entrance.

While Bobby's hands roamed Pyro's back he winced as Pyro squeezed his sore butt and then squirmed but Pyro had him in a strong hold so Bobby just bit his own lip and then begged "Pyro...." He panted and then let out what he hoped was a pitiful whimper hoping to make Pyro stop teasing him. He had a slight thought about testing the limits and reversing them again but that would just piss Pyro off enough to kill the mood and earn Bobby a trip over his knee for a real spanking. So he changed his mind. Pyro liked his dominance as much as Bobby like Pyro being in that role. 

"You know, I'm not sure you deserve this..." Pyro licked his lips as he continued teasing Bobby's entrance. "Have you been good enough to deserve this?" He smiled. He loved teasing his lover and making him wait. "I'll be good. I promise...... Please" Bobby whined sounding like a child and also wondering if there was any way that Pyro could have guessed what he had been thinking a moment ago about testing the limits. Pyro could read him so well after all. Those fingers at his entrance where driving him crazy. "Your killing me." Bobby whined as Pyro teased him.
"You better be good, you've been nothing but naughty today..." Pyro licked his fingers and slid them into Bobby. "I only do this because I'm nice," He smiled, "But if you try to be on top again, I will blister your perfect little bottom. Keep that in mind.”

Bobby's mind screamed at that. "No that's okay. I'll be good. You don't have to spank me." Bobby said his voice pitched higher then he would have liked as Pyro's fingers slid into him and Bobby knew not to touch Pyro without his permission. Pyro was in control here. If Pyro wanted Bobby to touch him then he would tell him. Until then Bobby was at Pyro's mercy. His rebellious mind just wouldn't shut down though. He had to tell himself twice that he wasn't going to do it again and forced Pyro's words to run through his head again. Pyro would bust his ass if he rebelled again. So why was it still in Bobby's mind? Punishment spankings were not fun! And it wouldn't be worth! Or at least that's what Bobby kept telling himself. He had just promised to be good so why was his mind still misbehaving? And Why did Pyro look as if he was perfectly aware of what was going through his head right then? 

Pyro thrusted his fingers in and out then stopped and took them out. He could tell Bobby wanted to misbehave again, it was in his nature. He held onto Bobby's hips and thrust into him.

Bobby arched his back as he now had his boyfriends cock inside him and it stretched him as always his arms went around Pyro and held on all thoughts of testing the limits left his mind for the moment he had already decided that he would do it. But he would wait until after Pyro had cum that way he wouldn't spoil the mood. Pyro would still blister his ass for it though. He had a feeling the look on Pyro's face would be priceless and therefor make the spanking seem worth it. Or at least it would be worth it for a split second before Pyro blistered his ass.
Bobby lifted his hips to receive each of the thrusts as Pyro moved inside him. Pyro had a warning look on his face as if he knew what Bobby was planning. Was he really that easy to read? Or was it just Pyro that could read his face like a book? 

Pyro thrusted,making sure Bobby enjoyed it. He could tell his lover was up to something...that wasn't good but he'd given him a fair warning, so if he cut out of line, Pyro would make sure he felt the consequences on his bottom for some time.
The pace was faster now and Bobby could feel that Pyro was getting close just as he was. Bobby threw his head back moaning then a few more thrusts later and they both came and just after Pyro came inside him Bobby waited only a moment before moving fast and he had a split second to enjoy the look on Pyro's face as he was now on top. He hadn't spoiled the mood. They had both come before Bobby even made his move. But he was being deliberately defiant but he did laugh at the look of Pyro's face. Then he braced himself as Pyro made him move thoughts of running now in his mind though he would never make it to the door. He knew he would pay. But it had been worth it. At least for a second it had
Pyro glared at him but remained laying down to rest for a bit. He sat up,pissed off. "Bobby, go get me the hairbrush."
Again Bobby's brain screamed. Well he had been warned his stomach was doing all kinds of flips and turns but he knew not to push Pyro any further. He cringed but got up going to the dresser and opened the drawer looking over at Pyro with pleading eyes but all he got back was a determined look. Bobby went back to his task grabbed the hated hairbrush that always made him scream. It wasn't too thick but it definitely was the implement Bobby hated the most. Pyro must really want to prove his point. He took one step and then stopped then took another small step and stopped. No sense in hurrying. Right? Bobby thought. It couldn't get any worse. Could it?



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