bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love the way you lie chapter 2

X men Love the way you lie.

Warning: Abuse ahead. Nothing really horrible though.
Also: Pyro's lighter is connected to his sleeve like in Movie three so he no longer has to pull out his lighter to form fire in his hand. Also I don't know who is older but in this story Pyro is a year older then Bobby.
Other Pairing: Scott/ Logan

Chapter Two: Jealousy takes an ugly turn.

Field Trip:

Rogue tagged along With Bobby and Pyro as they made their way around the mall. Pyro trying hard to ignore her. She was constantly 'accidentally' brushing her arms with Bobby's and Pyro wasn't happy about it. While on their way to a store Pyro grabbed Rogue's arm and pulled back so that Bobby couldn't hear or see them.
He held up his hand holding the fire in front of her face he said threateningly “ He's mine! Back off!” Rogue took the warning having a feeling that Pyro wouldn't hesitate to fry her.
Pyro sat beside Bobby and Rogue sat across from them as they were now in the food court.
Bobby was playing with one of Pyro's old lighters and Pyro playfully snatched it from him when two boys approached them.
Bobby was trying to get the lighter back but it was out of his reach when one of the guys spoke up “Hey can I have a light?” The guys asked.
This stopped the play as Pyro got serious and decided to keep hold of the lighter for now.
He didn't respond he just began to play with it lighting it again and again when the guy got mad and then took the lighter from him.
Pyro got up angry.
The guy light his cigaret and taunted “Huh. Suddenly your not so tough.” he said.
Pyro smirked and then concentrated on the light cigaret and winked the flame engulfed the cigaret and moved to the guys jacket so now he was on fire too. Pyro laughed at this.
Bobby got up and used his power to put the fire out with a cold icy frost.
Pyro lost the smile at Bobby's actions.
“What did you do that for? Huh?” Pyro asked annoyed as he rounded on Bobby.
“Because it was the right thing to do. I mean come on John you could have killed him.” Bobby said.
Pyro didn't agree with that.
The room froze and they got a short Lecture from Professor Xavier.

Back at the school Pyro was looking for Bobby when he found him talking to Rogue. They were laughing at something she had said. Pyro stood for a moment watching them and then went to his room angry.
Bobby saw Pyro leave and excused himself to go after him.
When he entered the room Pyro was sitting in a chair backwards.
“Hey.” Bobby greeted.
Pyro simply looked at him not responding to that.
“So I was talking to Rogue a minute ago.” Bobby said.
“I know. I saw.” Pyro said shortly.
Bobby sat down on the bed “Your not jealous again are you? Cause we talked about this.” Bobby said getting serious now.
Pyro got up “I thinks I'm gonna have a talk with Rogue again.” he said Fire formed in his hand Bobby was immediately in his way of the door.
The fire died in his hand “Get out of the way.” Pyro warned.
“NO. your not gonna go out there and attack her. She can't help how she feels. Nothing's gonna happen between us.” Bobby vowed.
“Fine. But I don't want you talking to her anymore. She doesn't want to be your friend Bobby. So any talking you do is just gonna led her on.” Pyro said.
“That's not true. There's nothing wrong with us being friends.” Bobby said.
“There is when friendship isn't what she wants from you.” Pyro said.
“Why does that matter. I already said nothing was gonna happen.” Bobby said.
“Good. Because I wont share you. I may not be able to change how she feels but I can tell her to stay away from you. It's either that.....or take down time.” Pyro said.
Bobby was stunned “Your telling me I can't be her friend?” Bobby asked.
“That's exactly what I'm telling you. You don't talk to her anymore. And if I catch her talking to you again I can promise you that she will get hurt.” Pyro vowed.
“What if I approach her?” Bobby asked.
Pyro came so close that Bobby was practically trapped against the door by the other body.
“Then I guess it's you that will get hurt. Just not in the same way as she will. I don't want to hurt you. But that doesn't mean that I wont. I'm dead serious Bobby. Don't test me on this. Stay away from her!” Pyro said in a dangerous tone and then backed away to give them both some air.

Bobby leaned against the door and just looked at Pyro. He wasn't going to be rude and ignore Rogue if she wanted to talk to him. She was still new to the school. And if Pyro attacked her he would stand in his way. Bobby knew that Pyro would never use his power against him. But it made him curious to see what Pyro would do to him. Though part of him really didn't want to find out.

Unfortunately the next day he did find out.
Rogue seemed upset and Bobby came over to ask her what was wrong
“Logan see's me as a kid.” she said.
“No offense but to him all of us are kids. No one knows how old he actually is or how long he has been around. He may be older then the Professor for all we know.” Bobby said trying to help.
“Nobody likes me. Why? I'm pretty and smart. I have lots to offer a guy. But none of them want me.” Rogue said at that point Pyro walked in.
he went over to another mutant and asked “Hey what's going on there?” he asked pointing in the direction of Bobby and Rogue.
“Oh. I don't know. Bobby came up and started talking to her. I can't really hear what their saying though.” the mutant said. Pyro nodded and then went to watch where they wouldn't be able to see him.
“Maybe your just looking for the wrong guys. You can't have the bad ass that's too old for you and you can't have the cute blonde boy that's already taken. Maybe you should try looking elsewhere and see what happens. There's lots of good guys here. Just don't go for the older ones.” Bobby said with a smile.
“Pyro hates me.” Rogue said changing the subject.
“No he doesn't. He may not like you. But that's because he knows you like me as more then a friend. He is kinda of possessive when it comes to me. It's because we're in love. And he doesn't like seeing you around flirting with me.” Bobby said.
“I know. And I'm sorry if I was pushy. I just really liked you. Just like I really liked Logan.” Rogue said.
“Look are you gonna be okay here?” Bobby asked.
“yeah. I'll be okay. Where did the professor and Scott go?” Rogue asked.
“I think they went to visit Magneto. They aren't back yet. I'll talk to you later Rogue.” Bobby said and then got up and began walking.
Pyro fell in line behind him. Trailing him an angry look on his face and Bobby went to their room when he tried to shut the door Pyro caught it and Bobby watched as he shut the door and locked it then turned towards Bobby the look on his face a little scary.

“Pyro?” Bobby said slowly and was utterly shocked and Pyro came over and shoved him against the wall hard.
His back collided with the hall hard and he fell to the floor looking fearfully at his love wondering what had made him that angry.
Pyro Crouched before him saying “You see that? Look what you made me do Bobby? I thought I told you to stay away from her. Why were you talking to her again?” Pyro demanded.
Bobby barely found the courage to speak “She was sad. I just wanted to see if she was okay. We just talked. What are you spying on me now?” Bobby asked.
Before he even realized what he was doing Pyro slapped Bobby in the face.
That shut Bobby up fast. His hand flew to his face he was beyond shocked now.
Pyro had never struck him. EVER! When he looked at Pyro he seemed just as shocked and Bobby knew he hadn't meant for things to go this far.
Pyro quickly grabbed Bobby's hand away and looked at the beautiful face of his lover.
“Oh God. Bobby I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.” Pyro said as he pulled Bobby into his arms and held him.
Bobby held onto to Pyro willing to forgive him since he hadn't meant to hurt him. Pyro was just insanely jealous and had lost his temper. Not that that made it okay. But it made it forgivable.
“Promise me your okay.” Pyro begged.
“I'm okay.” Bobby said holding tight to Pyro.
The heat of the moment gone Pyro had never meant to lash out at Bobby like that.

He thought about seeking advice but he was sure it would never happen again.

So instead he made peace by allowing Bobby to be friends with Rogue “I was wrong. If you wanna be friends with Rogue I trust that it won't go any further then friendship. I'm sorry if I was controlling.” Pyro said.

“It's okay. I get it. You just love me.” Bobby said and that was the end of that.

The moment was gone but not forgotten for either of them.

Four hours later the car filled with Logan, Bobby, Pyro and Scott pulled into the Drake family home having been driving for a while the school had been attacked and they now need a moment to breath before Storm and Jean came to get them. They had picked up Magneto on their way and were not on their way to pick up Logan and the others at he drake home.

Scott kept his shades on as Bobby entered his house and they found his parents home.
Bobby told them about how he was a mutant while Pyro sat bored playing with a lighter out of habit more then need.
He listened as his lovers mother said “Bobby have you tried not being a mutant?” she asked.
Logan got mad at that “Bobby is gifted. He can do things. Show her Bobby.” Scott said gently.
Bobby put his finger to his moms cup and froze her tea.
She set it down afraid.
Pyro smiled. That was only a small sample of what his lover could really do and he knew that.

Bobby's brother ran upstairs as Logan's phone rang he took it outside and then when he came back in Bobby's parents were heading up stairs and Logan saw the approaching police cars.
“We need to go.” he said.
“Fine with me.” Pyro said more then willing to leave this place.
They headed outside but were stopped by the guns pointed at them.
“Down on the ground!” the police man yelled.
Scott trying to prevent the kids from harm got down on the ground and Bobby slowly did the same.
The police Shot Logan when they saw his claws he landed on the ground Scott stared trying not to panic. His lover couldn't die. He would heal. But how long would it take? He wondered. Then he realized Pyro was still standing.
“Get down on the ground kid!” the policeman shouted.
Bobby nervous watched Pyro waiting for to join them but he didn't join them.
“You know those mutants you hear about on TV? I'm the most dangerous one of them all.” he said and then threw fire at the cop setting him on fire and did the same with the other cop and then attacked the cop cars and the cops inside them next. Even firing at the police that were hiding.
Scott shocked at the turn things were taking tried to think of what to do next hopeing that Storm would arrive soon before Pyro destroyed everything in sight.
Scott didn't have the heart to try and stop Pyro.
Bobby on the other hand was horrified at the sight. The chaos his lover was creating and saw the look of pride on his face and he kept attacking.
Bobby could think of only one thing to do. He reached under Pyro's pant leg and tried to freeze a spot to cool him off but that wasn't working very well. So instead Bobby lunged up grabbing both of Pyro's hands as soon as Bobby grabbed his hands Pyro stopped not wanting to burn Bobby with his power.
He was slightly annoyed that Bobby had stopped him.
Logan healed just as the Helicopter arrived.
They all ran to it.

When they arrived at the lake Storm, Scott and Jean all went to search as Magneto and Bobby and Pyro were left on the plane. Magneto had other plans though.
“What's your name?” He asked John.
“John.” he said.
“What's your real name John?” Magneto asked.
“Pyro.” he said and then explained his power.
Magneto made him an offer “You could join me. Help me fight the humans. They started a war and now we're going to finish it. Come with us.” Magneto suggested.
It was tempting.
But he looked towards Bobby. Bobby would never agree to go. And he didn't want anything that he couldn't have with Bobby.
But he didn't deny or confirm either way. Magneto left the ship.
Pyro and Bobby sat in silence.
Then Pyro decided to go.
“Hey where are you going Logan said to stay on the ship.” Bobby said.
“Do you always do as your told?” Pyro asked and then headed out thinking Bobby would follow him but he didn't.
Pyro went looking for a heavy object to use.
He found one pretty quick.
Meanwhile underground:
Logan had left everyone and defeated a mutant. Striker Captured Scott and injected him with the controlling agent and ordered him to attack his lover.
Jean had gotten hurt and now Logan and Megneto and Mystic were together but a second later a red laser tried to blast them all. They dodged it and Logan saw that it was Scott. He knew that Scott was under the influence of the drug. He let Storm take Jean. While Magneto having done what he wanted told Mystic “Come my dear. This is one Lover's querral we don't want to get involved in.” he said he sent Mystic to the ship while he went to try and find his old lover Charles Xavier. It still amazed him that even after all these years his feelings had not weakened for the other man at all. Even though Charles had stood against him more times then he could count. Charles also never gave up on the hope that he could save Magneto from himself.
Logan fought with Scott and ended up body slamming him and the thud must have taken out the rest of the drug. Because suddenly Scott was looking up at his lover apologizing for attacking him. Saying that he couldn't stop himself and that he had tried. Logan held him for a moment and then they headed back to the rest of their friends.

Bobby was pacing back and forth waiting for Pyro to return. As he turned again he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head as Pyro hit him with the chain so hard that it knocked him out.
Pyro tossed the chain aside. “Sorry Lover. Your much too stubborn to talk to some times.” he had to use most of his strength to lift Bobby up and carry him outside. He walked around until he came across Magneto's ship and a blue mutant let them on.
Magneto boarded soon after that and saw Bobby still on conscious laying in Pyro's lap.
“Knock your boy out did you?” he asked as he got behind the pilot seat.
“I had to. He never would have come willingly. And I wasn't going without him.” Pyro said as he gently ran his fingers through Bobby's hair. Magneto sometimes wished that he had had the heart to do that. Perhaps if he had he could have made Charles see things his way. But he had never wanted to force anything on his lover. Plus Charles was a very powerful man. Just as powerful as Magneto.
For Magneto things were Black and White. But Charles was always finding the gray area.

Pyro left Bobby alone as they heard the damn begin to break he went to see if he could help in any way.
Bobby woke his head hurt. He saw Pyro and Magneto and Mystic the blue mutant that could imitate anyone. He realized then that Pyro had hit him with something and carried him to Magneto's ship.

Bobby stood up on shaky legs and opened the hatch it was quiet so no one heard it. Bobby looked back at Pyro who was too busy with Magneto to notice Bobby about to leave.
His eyes filled with tears but he couldn't stay. He wouldn't stay on this side. Magneto was wrong. Bobby knew that. And he was going to stick to his beliefs. No matter what.

He walked off the plane and ran fast heading towards the other plane.
He made it in time to see Jean Coming out of the plane she let him on and then used her powers to close the hatch shutting them in.

She turned to see Pyro looking out the hatch with a deadly look on his face.
Magneto could not wait any longer he raised the plane and took off. Pyro vowing that he would get Bobby some other time.

Jean used her powers to make the ship work and helped them get off ground and then she was killed by the amount to water. She had saved them.

At the school later Bobby was talking to Scott.
“Hey Scott does Logan ever get Jealous of other people that are your friends?” he asked.
“No. he's pretty mellow when it comes to letting me have my way. Well most of the time.” Scott said.
“Has he ever hurt you?” Bobby asked.
“You mean like Pyro did to you by hitting you in the head to make you go with him? No. at the beginning of our relationship I was insecure and I actually cut myself twice. When Logan found out he was pissed and put a stop to it. He put me over and knee and spanking me like a child. But it hurt like hell. I vowed to never make him that mad again. I know Pyro loves you. He's just confused. I don't know if I could handle being in your place. My advice is not to play their game. And to use your love as your weapon. Not anger. Or your powers. Make him understand that no matter what you still love him. Make him see that you still there for him and that he still has your heart. Or at least that's why I would do if it was Logan. The sooner he realizes that he can't make you come to that side he will come back this side.” Scott said.

Bobby went to sleep that night thinking about that.

On the other side Pyro was indeed realizing that he couldn't force Bobby to join him. But Bobby needed to understand that this was just a short break. They were still together. They were just on different sides now.

To be continued............................................

Next time: Bobby and Pyro see each other again after a week of being apart. Pyro destroys the center for the cure and Bobby realizes just how far Pyro will go to prove that he has changed.  

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