bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 4.1

Later that night Pyro and Bobby slept in the same bed with Their 'children' were placed in Bobby's bed to sleep. The next morning when they woke they were shocked. The children had shrunk. Bobby ran to get Xavier and Xavier said it was a side effect of removing the programming. Now the children were six years old in stead of 14. That alone would make them easier to handle. "They will also act more like children now. It will also make it easier for them. They can learn and grow and turn out better because they will have a childhood now." Xavier said.

Although Mason was still the spitting image of Pyro only now he was 6 years old. He still had Pyro's face.

An hour later Mason woke up and he first looked at Pyro then he felt strange. He stood and he knew he was shorter. He looked over at the mirror and saw that he was a child then looked at Pyro "Why did you make me younger?" Mason asked.

Pyro raised his brow "Me? You really think I could have made you younger? I didn't do that. It's a side effect. Sides the only reason you were 14 was because your programming manipulated your age somehow. So when the programming was reversed your age was too. It's not so bad being young. You'll like it. You two are the youngest kids here that's for sure. We don't even have a class for kids your age. Why isn't Terra waking up?" Pyro asked. She hadn't woken since yesterday and he was slightly worried.

Mason looked to his sister "She will not wake yet. She needs more time." Mason said he was able to read her.

"Needs more time? To what?" Bobby asked.

"Her system needs more time to rewire her because you removed the programming. It will take her longer to adapt and waken then it did me. Because she has more powers." Mason said.

Well that made sense.

There was a knock at the door "Come in." Bobby said and Storm cane in "hi uh you boys are still coming to the museum right?" Storm asked.

Pyro nodded "Yeah. Sure why wouldn't we be going?" Pyro asked.

Mason subconsciously stepped closer to Pyro and slightly hid behind him. Storm and Bobby noticed this. "Well I guess you'll have a tag along with you. We'll meet you boys down stairs. It's cold outside I'll see if I can find the little one something to put on to keep warm." Storm said and left the room.

Pyro looked and then turned to Mason "What are you doing?" he asked gently.

"I don't like her. She smells funny." Mason said.

"She smells funny?" Pyro questioned then Storm came back with a coat and tossed it to Pyro "Here it will be a little big on him but it'll keep him warm. Professor will come in and watch Terra for you while we're gone." Storm informed and then left again.

"Wait they want us to take Mason with us?" Pyro asked.

"I don't think we or they have a choice. I think he really likes you." Bobby said he had noticed that the little boy seemed more vulnerable now.

Pyro had noticed it too but it was strange and would take some getting used to.

He was about to tell Mason to put his coat on when he realized that the boy probably would have no idea what a coat even was.

Pyro knelt down "Put your arms out." the boy obeyed putting his arms out and Pyro put his arms in the coat sleeves and then zipped the coat up. Then he went to put his own hoody on to stay warm.

"What's this?" Mason asked of the coat.

"It's a coat. It'll keep you warm when we go outside." Pyro explained.

"He doesn't have one." Mason said looking at Bobby.

"I don't get cold. So I don't need one." Bobby smirked.

"Why?" Mason asked.

"Why? Why what?" Bobby asked.

"Why don't you get cold." Mason asked.

"Because my power is Ice. I've adapted to the cold. I don't get cold. You have the same power I do but it's still new to you. You've never used it. I didn't start adapting to mine until I was older." Bobby said.

"Oh." Mason said.

When Xavier arrived the three boys left the room.

They headed down the stairs to where the other students were waiting.

"Okay everyone get on the bus. John keep an eye on him. He'll need to sit in your lap. And you'll have to hold his hand while we're out." Storm said and they headed out.

Pyro took the little boys hand and then when they were on the bus he sat by Bobby and pulled his mini me into his lap to sit for the ride up.

Once at the mall Pyro took Mason's hand in a firm grip and Mason walked with them for a while.
Mason managed to slip his hand away while Pyro wasn't paying attention and wondered over to the next area to look at the art.

"Pretty." Mason said his eyes shinning.

Pyro had discovered him missing and slightly panicked. "Bobby where's Mason?" he asked.

Bobby looked around not seeing the child then he spotted him "There." he pointed.

Pyro rushed over and snatched Mason's hand "Hey. What are you doing over here?" he scolded him.

"I was only looking." Mason whined.

"You don't leave my side without telling me first. You need permission before you run off like that. You can't just do whatever you want." Pyro said then he picked the little boy up "No. Down. I don't wanna be carried." he whined.

"Tough! You ran away so you don't get to walk on your own anymore." Pyro said firmly holding the boy on his hip with one hand under his bottom for support.

Mason pouted but then put his arms around Pyro's neck loosely "What do I call you?" Mason asked him.

"Call me anything you want. My human name is John. My mutant name is Pyro." Pyro said.

"Your my parent." Mason said.

"Yes. Technically I am." Pyro agreed.

"So I could call you daddy?" Mason asked in a questioning tone.

Pyro stopped in his tracks and looked at the little boy then kept walking that one had caught him by surprise "Uh. Okay." Pyro said finally giving in. It wouldn't hurt anyone and Pyro had no real problem with it. It would just take some getting used to.

"Can I call the other parent Daddy too?" the boy asked.

"You'll have to ask him." Pyro said.

"Okay." Mason said.


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