bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 2

Pyro was definitely the dominant one in their relationship both in bed and out. Pyro controlled how things went and Controlled Bobby and Bobby loved it. They were pretty close in height but Pyro was about an inch or two taller then Bobby unless Bobby had shoes on then they were the same height.

But even though Bobby loved the control there was also a small part of him that rebelled against it. Not because he didn't want to be controlled but because he just couldn't fully accept it. He had an urge to test the limits at some times in the relationship.

He remembered the first time Pyro had punished him.

It was two months after establishing their strong relationship and Bobby had ditched class and gone to the mall without telling anyone. One of the rules for their relationship was communication. Bobby had left without leaving a note or even telling Pyro that he was ditching for the mall. Bobby was gone nearly the whole day. He had actually gotten lost in the mall because it was so huge. And he suddenly realized how late and was and headed back home he turned his phone on realizing that it had been shut off all this time and he had 3 voice mails and Pyro had called three times. He listened to the messages which the first one was Pyro saying "Bobby where the hell are you? Call me." The second message was again Pyro  "Why aren't you answering your phone? Where the hell are you! Call me. I'm worried." Pyro sounded a little more irritated in that one and then the third message where he just sounded pissed off "Why don't you ever answer this thing? Call me when you get this!"

Bobby who was stuck with a long walk home late at night decided to call Pyro.

"Where the hell are you!" Pyro's demanded as he answered the phone seeing it was Bobby.

"Well Hello to you too." Bobby greeted back.

"Answer me. Where are you? Where have you been all day? And why didn't you tell me if you were gonna go somewhere?" Pyro shot the questions fast.

Bobby squirmed "I was at the mall wondering around I just now realized what time it was. I didn't know my phone was shut off until I checked it a minute ago. Stop worrying I'm walking home right now." Bobby said.

"Okay first of all WHY was your phone shut off? I mean seriously you take off and then don't remember to turn your phone on? That makes no sense. And second WHY are you walking home? It's dark outside." Pyro lectured.

"Sheesh what are you my mother?" Bobby sassed "I can defend myself I am a mutant after all. I'm in no danger. So you can drop the alpha male act Pyro." Bobby said in a joking tone.

Hearing his lover taking things so lightly made him angry "Do you think I'm playing with you?" he asked.

Bobby lost his smile as he heard Pyro's serious tone.

"Oh come on Pyro. Don't be made at me." Bobby begged wanting the fight to be over.

"Where are you exactly?" Pyro asked.

"I'm still in the mall parking lot. Heading home. Why?" Bobby asked.

"Stay put Bobby. I'm coming to get you." Pyro said and hung up the phone then he went to Logan's room and asked to borrow his car so that he could go pick up Bobby so that Bobby wasn't walking home alone. Logan tossed him the keys and since he knew all about what had happened and how Pyro had been left to worry all day he said "Beat his ass kid." Pyro nodded grimly having already planned on that and then left for the in the car racing towards the mall.

Bobby waited near the ally way near the mall sulking knowing his lover was mad at him then he saw 3 guys leaving the mall and heading his way one of them licked his lips and Bobby was leaning against the wall as they approached.

"Hey freak get your own wall. This is ours." One guy said.

"Funny. I don't see your name on it." Bobby sassed.

"I don't need my name on it. Kid you don''t know who your messing with." the guy said.

Bobby smirked "I think your the one that doesn't know who he's messing with. If I were you I'd grow a brain fast and walk away and leave me alone." Bobby warned. He wasn't like Pyro who was more then willing to hurt people if they even tried to challenge him. The way Pyro saw it was that if they were gonna pick on you then you had every right to defend yourself. But Bobby like to bluff and throw warnings around to buy time to get out of it so that no one got hurt.

Pyro drove into the parking lot seeing a couple of guys near the ally and also saw Bobby cornered by then he gunned the black Lamborghini and screeched the tires as he came to a stop he opened the door getting out at which point Bobby cursed and headed over to Pyro who was glaring at the guys behind him.

"Is there a problem here?" Pyro asked fingering his lighter in his pocket and Bobby lightly pushed him "No there is not a problem can we just go?" Bobby asked.

Pyro now turned his glare on Bobby "Get in the car." Pyro ordered and Bobby rushed to get in the car Pyro lingered for another moment glaring death at the guys and then got in the car and drove away gunning it.

As Pyro drove he took turns glancing from Bobby to the road. "What was that about?" Bobby asked.

"Why don't you tell me?" Pyro asked back.

Bobby sighed "They were just some punks okay? They weren't gonna hurt me. I wouldn't have let them. I would have scared them off if they had tried anything. But they didn't do anything. We were barely getting into it when you showed up." Bobby admitted.

"Yeah like that's any better?" Pyro scoffed.

"It is better. Come on Pyro no harm done." Bobby insisted.

"Oh you just wait til we get back home. Then we'll see how you feel about no harm having been done." Pyro said.

Bobby glanced over. Okay what was that suppose to mean?

When they got back Bobby stalked to their room while Pyro hung Logan's keys on a hook and followed to their room at a slower pace.

"What's your problem?" Bobby asked the obviously pissed off Pyro as he slammed the door and locked it.

"What are the rules we set for each other in this relationship?" Pyro asked.

Bobby gulped "Rule one: Respect. Rule two: communication and rule three: honesty."

"And which of those did you break?" Pyro asked.

"Come on Pyro I didn't think you would care if I went to the mall. You gonna tell me I can't go places now?" Bobby asked.

"No. Bobby I don't care that you went to the mall. I care that you didn't tell me and that I was stuck most of the day worrying about you and trying to call you and you didn't even have your phone on. Now what did we agree on Bobby?" Pyro said angrily.

Bobby gulped again at that question "We agreed there would be punishment for rules broken. Your punishment would be no sex for a certain amount of time and mine was a spanking." Bobby said.

"Right. Now since you decided to break the rules I have to carry out that punishment. I won't enjoy this anymore then you will but it has to be done." Pyro said with determination in his voice.

"Oh come on. Your not serious." Bobby said.

"I am always serious when it comes to our relationship. I told you this isn't a game. If you want me forever then you'll have me forever. But there are three things I demand at all times and I owe the same to you. I am more the capable of doing my part. And when you don't do your part I have to do something about it. That's why we talked about punishment. You told me yourself that sometimes you do stupid things and immature things. And you act without thinking and that's when we talked about options about what would happen if you broke a rule. I wasn't willing to end our relationship just because you are on the childish side but I am willing to spank your butt three shades of red to make you think twice before breaking a rule again." Pyro said.

The first spanking hadn't been all that bad actually. Only thirty swats on his bare bottom given with Pyro's hand. He had had much worse since then and for much worse deeds.

More rules had been added rules that only Bobby had to follow.

Rule 1: Respect
Rule 2: communication
Rule 3 Honesty
Rule 4: No drinking (Do yourself a favor and don't ask!)
Rule 5: No smoking (Even though there's like 3 lighters stashed in the room!)
Rule 6: No hurting yourself. (DON'T ASK!!)
Rule 7: No jumping onto Pyro's car while he's driving at a break neck speed. (Hey it seemed fun at the time!)
Rule 8: No bringing home wild animals. (Okay maybe that had been a dumb idea)
Rule 9: No stealing Pyro's lighters! (That was carved in stone and Bobby had been spanked the most for that.)
Rule 10: No letting Rogue flirt with him. (Bobby almost always stopped her now when she flirted.)

Course he wouldn't have all those rules if he hadn't been so dumb that first year. Pyro made up all those extra rules after Bobby had done each crazy thing. And the last rule was more because of Rogue then Bobby. Bobby was always polite but Pyro still wanted him to tell Rogue to back off is she was flirting since Pyro and Rogue when they were near each other never had a nice word for each other. They usually stared daggers while Pyro was overly possessive of Bobby.

Despite the fact that Pyro was definitely the dominant one of the relationship Bobby didn't mind. In fact he preferred it that way. The only error Pyro seemed to have was his quick temper. And he never allowed himself to lose his temper with Bobby.

Pyro had along with the rules introduces implements for the really bad stuff.

The first three rules Pyro would use his hand if Bobby broke them. Then with rules 4-6 Pyro would use his hand the first time. The second time he would use a hair brush that Bobby had developed a hatred for. If he dared to do it a third time then he would get the hand. The hairbrush and also a belt on top of all that.
Rules 7-9 Pyro usually used his hand but it could easily turn into a hair brush spanking if Bobby had an attitude or wasn't cooperative like he should be.
Rule 10 was more of a guideline and Pyro wouldn't punish Bobby just because he wouldn't be rude to Rogue. That would be wrong.

Though Bobby didn't get punished all that much. There were more then just punishment spankings. Sometimes if Pyro was in a playful mood he would play spank him before sex.

The biggest difference between a play spanking and a real spanking was that a when Bobby got a play spanking he could get up to 100 swats and not shed a tear because the swats weren't really bad. With a punishment spanking Bobby would be in tears long before it was over and when it was over Bobby would be feeling it for days. Maybe even the whole week. Bobby was pretty good usually. Or at least he tried to be. And so it wasn't often that he got punished.


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