bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rp Part 2

Pyro was annoyed at how slowly Bobby was doing things. He had warned his lover not to push him any further or he'd end up with a blistered bottom, but Bobby went on and did it anyway. Pyro decided that he would follow through with his threat and make sure Bobby knew he was completely serious. The longer it took Bobby to get to him, it only made Pyro want to add more punishment. Bobby would be having much difficulty sitting down after Pyro was through with him. Pyro was, for the most part, sure that Bobby wouldn't be trying anything again, at least while his butt still hurt.

Bobby took the last couple of steps then stopped just out of Pyro's reach. "Can't we talk about this?" Bobby begged. 

Pyro snatched his wrist and pulled him close. "I told you what would happen if you tried to go on top of again and you completely decided to ignore me and do it any way. Now I'm going to do exactly what I told you I would do," He took the hairbrush."Do you remember what I said about going on top again?"

Bobby cringed his stomach was in knots now. "Yeah. You said you'd blister my butt." Bobby answered trying to keep the attitude out of his tone but he wasn't sure that he was successful with that. Two years together and Pyro still scared the crap out of him when he had that brush in his hands. He gently tried to tug his wrist out of Pyro's grasp. 

Pyro squeezed his wrist tighter and guided Bobby over his lap. "I really hate to do this, Bobby, but you oughta know that I won't ever hesitate to keep you in line in this relationship..." He raised one knee higher so that Bobby's bottom would be at a perfect angle and be a good target. He picked the brush up and raised it high.
Now bare across Pyro's knee Bobby couldn't help but squirm and whimper as he waited for that first whack from the hairbrush. He knew this wasn't gonna be pretty. In fact it was REALLY going to hurt. He tried to brace himself but he knew he deserved it. You couldn't just push the limits especially when you were in a relationship where your boyfriend loved you enough to keep his promise when threatening to punish you. 

Pyro wrapped one arm around Bobby's waist to hold him tight. With the other, he quickly brought down the brush down hard on his backside over and over again. He was going to make it a point to see his whole bottom turn a flaming red.

Bobby clenched his teeth but his resistance only lasted a short time. 
"Ow! Pyro that hurts!" Bobby yelped loud as his bottom really began to sting and burn. He kicked his legs together in an attempt to lessen the pain rising on his butt. 

"Yeah, I know it hurts. I told you I was going to blister your butt and that's what I'm going to do. We're nowhere near done." He trapped bobby's legs under his and continued to bring down the brush hard on Bobby's bottom that was quickly changing color.

Bobby's yelps got louder and he found he was glad that the walls were sound proof and that their door was locked. His bottom already felt like it was on fire. He grabbed the sheets with both his hands to keep from trying to reach back and cover his bottom. Bobby knew Pyro would not appreciate anymore defiance from him. Tears pricked his eyes as the burn just got worse. And this was difference between play and punishment. In play he hadn't shed a tear. In punishment he was already practically crying and Pyro had said they weren't near done yet.

Pyro continued the hard and fast spanking with the brush for five minutes. He then paused to look the bottom before him. It was a bright red in color, he could see some small raised welts. Pyro brushed his hand over his bottom, feeling the heat. But the punishment still wasn't over. He wanted to make sure that he covered every inch of his bottom. He picked up the brush again and parted Bobby's cheeks to get the sensitive part of the inner cheeks. "Loosen up," He ordered as he spread his cheeks and placed his brush in the area, getting ready to swat.

Bobby was crying now and seriously sorry that he had ever pushed Pyro but he flinched and shivered in pain as Pyro's hand touched his bottom Bobby did as he was ordered. He loosened up as Pyro spread his cheeks. He had a bad feeling about this. His bottom was already blazing hot and he had screamed at least once through the spanking. If not twice. With tears still streaming down his face steadily and his bottom on fire Bobby bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed and waited.....

Pyro had a feeling Bobby would be biting his lip. "Don't do that!" He growled and brought the brush down hard in his crack. He didn't want his lover hurting himself or getting hurt at all. Nothing more than a spanking. He wasn't gonna have him bite his delicate lips and make them bleed.

Since Bobby was already biting his lip the whack on his crack made him bite harder and he really was bleeding now and now he had pain on his lower lip as well as his blazing bottom. Too late Bobby thought at Pyro's words. But seriously HOW did Pyro always know what he was doing? Bobby wondered briefly then he flinched as he bit his lip again to keep from screaming at the next smack. This wasn't being defiant. Was it? Bobby really wasn't sure. He then wondered how many he was going to get on that very sensitive spot? 

Pyro sighed and gave him five hard swats in the sensitive areas on each side. Then he quickly went over his bottom again, making sure to cover his thighs too. After three minutes, he was done and tossed the brush away at the floor. He hated having his lover crying and in tears.

Bobby lay there feeling pitiful he had bit his lip so hard that he could feel a line of blood going down his chin. He hated making Pyro angry enough to really spank him. Neither of them enjoyed it. And Bobby was in agony his bottom sorer then it had been for a while. And torn his lip would be sensitive too. Pyro wouldn't be happy about his torn lip or the blood going down his chin. 

Pyro sat Bobby up on his lap and grabbed his chin. He could see the blood dripping down his chin, and staining the sheets. "What the hell did I tell you?!" He said angry, angry that his lover was hurt. He tried controlling his anger and as best as he could, gently took Bobby into the bathroom and sat him on the toilet.

Bobby yelped as he sat on his blistered bottom tears falling from eyes again "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. That spanking fucking hurt! It was either bite my lip or scream." Bobby whined knowing that was pretty lame because no one would have heard him anyways if he had screamed. He just didn't like screaming because he sounded less manly so he preferred not to do it. He would have threw a glare at his lover but instead he aimed it at the floor not quite daring to aim it at Pyro at the moment.

"Don't glare at me."Pyro put some hydrogenated water onto a gauze and used it to clean Bobby's lip and make it stop bleeding. He then put some ointment on it to numb his lip and protect it from infection.

"I wasn't glaring at you! I was glaring at the floor!" Bobby snapped. wincing as Pyro tended to his lip. Oops. That may have been said with a little too much attitude. 

As soon as he was done, Pyro lifted Bobby up and gave his rump a smack for the attitude. "Are you going to behave? Or do you need more help?"

Bobby yelped when his blistered butt was slapped and without thinking he yanked his arm away and took several steps away ten stopped eying his lover wearily

Pyro went after him and pushed him onto the bed. He gave him a kiss on his jaw.
"I'll let you be a lone for a while." He put some pants on and left the room.

Feeling sad now that pyro had left bobby put on his hirt and slid on his pants over his very tender bottom he laid on his own bed not sure if pyro would want him in his bed and now that he thought his lover was mad at him he hid under his blanket and began to cry at that moment he hated himself for making pyro leave. soon he cried himself to sleep.

Pyro walked around the school and saw Rogue sitting in the library. He walked over to her, he was only wearing his jeans. "You stay away from Bobby, you hear??"

Rogue eyed Pyro for a moment then said "What is your problem? Me and Bobby are just friends." Rogue insisted. 

"I don't care! I don't want you touching him, talking to him, or looking at him!" He growled angrily. He was angry that Bobby was upset with him and hurt and that he didn't even give him the chance to comfort him after the spanking. Without thinking, he grabbed Rogue's wrist to strike her, but as soon as he touched her, he began to be drained of his power.

Rogue gasped in panic and then jerked away and then ran to her bed room and locked the door. 

 Pyro passed out in the library. Hank found him some minutes later and took him to the infirmary.

Bobby woke in the morning finding that Pyro had not returned now worried Bobby went looking around the school. He checked everywhere and found his love in the infirmary. What the hell had happened while he was asleep? He wondered.
"What happened?" Bobby asked. 


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