bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 3

Okay this has a scene from movie two though it was altered because of the relationship and stuff.

Other pairings include Scott/ Logan

The school.

Bobby woke late one night feeling hungry he squirmed out of Pyro's hold without waking him which wasn't easy. Then he went to the kitchen to get something to snack on. Logan came in looking for beer and Bobby laughed at him "Dude this is a school."

Logan took a coke instead and then looked at Bobby exspectantly Bobby sighed and took the bottled coke then used his power blowing into it to make it chilled so that it was cold then handed it back with a smirk.
Logan took a sip and they talked for a moment. "So how's things with you and Match stick?" Logan asked.

Bobby laughed Logan had some funny nicknames for Pyro. "It's great as always. What about you and Scott?" Bobby asked.

Logan grinned wickedly "Same." then he paused he thought he heard something in the manor. Bobby was about to say something when Logan held up his hand "Shh." Logan warned as he stood up his claws came out and he saw the intruders he plunged his claws into two of them and Bobby ran finding lots of the other kids already up out their beds and running around the halls.

He saw Pyro when he passed "Pyro!" Bobby yelled and Pyro stopped in his tracks going over to Bobby "What the hell is going on?" Pyro asked.

"The school's being invaded." Bobby said.

Pyro thought only for a moment he took Bobby's hand "Come on. I know a short cut."

"What about Logan and the others?" Bobby asked.

"There not my concern. You are. Sides Logan can handle himself and everyone else. Trust me. I know where we can go." Pyro said dragging Bobby through the secret passage out to the garage and he had the keys to one of the cars while Bobby got in front Pyro got in the drivers seat and drove.

"Where are we going?" Bobby asked.

Pyro with his attention on the road answered "Last summer I bought a house with the money that my grandmother left me. It's a cabin. We're going there. We'll be safe there. It's fully stocked with food and everything we need. I stored it just in case I could talk you into going there with me this summer. Guess we're going early. I have my cell phone so Logan can call if he wants too know where we are." Pyro explained.

Bobby didn't say much else. Pyro drove to his cabin and they both went back to sleep in the big bed. Bobby would inspect the place when he woke up.

The phone rang some time later. Pyro woke and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey where are you guys?" Logan asked curious.

"Oh." Pyro glanced over at Bobby who was still asleep then he got up and went into the living room "We're at my cabin. The one I told you about. Sorry about last night. We weren't trying to ditch you guys. I just figured you could handle things without us. So how did things go?" Pyro asked.

"Well for the most part things are okay. Jean is dead. Scott's kinda upset about that cause they were friends. But most of the kids are fine. No one was hurt. The manor is safe again but it's okay if you want to stay at the cabin for a while. But we would like for you guys to come back eventually." Logan said.

"Yeah we'll come back. I think we'll stay for a week or two though. Maybe a month but no longer then that." Pyro promised.

Logan scoffed "Okay well don't spend all your time naked alright?" Logan warned.

"yeah I know. Same goes for you!" Pyro tossed back and then hung up the phone.

He climbed back in bed with Bobby and snuggled closer to him holding him securely, Protectively and then went to sleep.

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