bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wolverine's Cyclops chapter two

Logan has been gone all Summer checking out the lake and has now come back. This is at the beginning of movie two. Also there is no Rogue in this.

Chapter two: Aren't you going to welcome me home?

Scott was pissed after his lover had taken off on HIS motorcycle and left for the summer. But as weeks turned into months Scott wasn't just angry he was depressed. And he began to skip his classes and act out. He also began to cut himself because he was angry that Logan wasn't around for him to talk to.

Logan returned to the school his lovers bike almost on empty and he took the keys with him as he went inside.
First he was greeted by Bobby and Pyro. Pyro then dragged his lover away to do his homework. Logan's breath caught in his throat as he saw his lover coming down the stairs. He was beautiful. "Find what you were looking for Logan?" Scott asked coldly and Logan noticed.
"What's wrong with you?" Logan asked because his lover didn't usually have an attitude problem. Not anymore at least.

When Scott just stood there with his hands on his hips and a smug look on his face Logan smirked coyly "Aren't you gonna welcome me home?" he asked wanting his lover to kiss him.

Scott nodded slightly. "Welcome home Logan." Scott said and then went back up the stairs and Scott followed him all the way to their room.

Logan was stopping this attitude right now. He shut the door and went over to the dresser he dropped his bag and grabbed the hairbrush. Scott paled when he saw that "Sit down." Logan said firmly.
Scott saw down. Logan went over and stood before him "Now do you want a taste of this brush?" Logan asked.

"No." Scott said moody.

"Then you better tell me what the hell is wrong with you. Cause your gonna talk to me and tell me what's wrong. I am not gonna tolerate you snapping at me. I just got here. I don't want to spank you. But if I have to then I will." Logan said.

"I don't wanna talk to you." Scott grouched.

Logan raised his eye brows. "You keep acting like a little boy and I'll damn well treat you like one." Logan warned tapping the brush on his hand once as he looked at Scott.

Scott sat there sulky "I wanted to talk to you and you weren't here! I don't wanna talk to you right now." Scott snarled and he got up but Logan grabbed his arm "Where do you think your going?" He asked and then Scott winced as Logan touched his arm and that got Logan's attention. He tossed the brush on the bed and grabbed Scott's sleeve and shoved it up and what he saw he almost couldn't believe at first.

"What the hell is this?" His tone was low as he looked right into Scott's guilty face.

"What happened? Did you do this? What the hell did you do?" Logan got louder now.

Scott flinched but he admitted his crime "I cut myself." Scott said.

Logan was quiet for a minute. "You what?" he looked at the scratches again and then growled "Are you telling me that while I was gone you deliberately did THIS?" Logan growled.

"Yes." Scott said as if it was no big deal.

Logan let go of his arm and stepped away from him. "Logan?" Scott questioned fearing that maybe his lover was gonna leave him for this.

"You sit in here and think about things because when I come back your gonna answer my questions. But If I spank you now you won't sit for two weeks. I need to calm down." Logan said.

"No don't leave me." Scott cried.

Logan looked at him "I'm not leaving you! I'm leaving the room So I can calm down. Trust me you don't want me to blister your little bottom yet! I need to calm down." Logan said.

"Just sit there and don't move. I'll tell Chuck what I found and then I'll come back and deal with you." Logan said and then left to talk with the professor.

After talking with Xavier Logan also found out what else Scott had been doing. He wasn't pleased. Logan went back to the room and shut and locked the door. He was glad that the walls were sound proof.

Scott didn't look up when he heard Logan come in. "Well." Logan said "Someone's been a pretty naughty little boy while I was away." Logan stated sternly. He came over to his lover grabbing his other wrist and dragged him over to the bed. He looked at the scars again seeing that they were fine and they were old he stripped his lover of pants and boxers leaving him bare and then pulled him across his knee.

The brush was still on the bed. He's use that later.

First he gave Scott a good hand spanking. Scott had tears in his eyes when Logan paused.

"That was for all the trouble you caused with the students and skipping all your classes. You agreed to teach here and you have a responsibility to these kids because of that. If you don't go to the classes then why should they? This next part is for the cutting." Logan said.

He smacked Scott's bare bottom with his hand for five minutes covering every inch in rapid fire swats that left Scott in tears. The he paused again. He grabbed the brush from the bed and then brought it down on his lover already blistered bottom. Scott cried loud and Logan hardened his heart and paddled the red bottom until it was a deep dark red and he knew his lover would be feeling that for quite a while. Long enough to make him never want to repeat any of this again.

Logan picked his lover up and placed his on the bed on his side and laid by him "Shh. Darlin' your alright. It's okay. Shh." Logan crooned to his very sore lover who was sporting the sorest backside he'd ever had in his life.

Scott cried himself to sleep in Logan's arms feeling safe and loved and glad that Logan was home now. He had missed him.


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