bobby pyro

bobby pyro

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fire and Ice chapter 4 : Discovery

This is who i visualize for 626  and as for Mason picture a shorter version of Pyro.

I stole the number 626 from Stitch and if you don't know who stitch is then i feel sorry for you. Cause he is so cute.

The lab :

Thirty miles away in a lab a white pod lay dormant in sleep. A powerful creature had been created. A clone of sorts. It's parents (Which is what the scientists called the people who's DNA was used to create the vessel) were two mutants. Bobby and Pyro. Pyro the mutant who could control fire. And Bobby the mutant that could freeze and make ice come from his hands. He was often called Ice Man. And it was said that the boys were close. Like brothers. And some say they were even as close as lovers. So Dr. High had snatched both their DNA to create the weapon. The weapon also had a back up.

Both the weapons were mutants. One was the original weapon that had developed 3 powers before it was done growing. And the second weapon that they never actually intended on awakening because the original weapon was too powerful to fail. But it had been made just in case.

The spare weapon was male and the original weapon with more power was female. The female surprised them since they had used two males to create the vessels. The weapon would be woken up when the time was right. The weapon had been created specifically to destroy two very powerful mutants. Which was why it in turn had to be powerful. To destroy Wolverine and the great Charles Xavier. But it wasn't time to wake her up yet. The male mutant looked exactly like it's father Pyro. Though it had Ice Man's blue eyes and Pyro and Ice man's powers both.

They called him weapon 2

The first weapon was called Number 626

Number 626 was programmed to manipulate her way into the lives of her parents and the X men to find a weakness and also gain their trust so that she could destroy her targets. She had three strong powers making her one of the very few class 6 mutants. Very powerful and dangerous.
her first power she got from her father Pyro. Only hers worked differently. She could start fires but she couldn't control the power. Her second power was mind control. She could force anyone to do anything she wanted. All she had to do was look at them. And say it. The third power was telekinesis the power to move things with her mind.

When the time came to wake her they would do exactly as they planned. And she would carry it out just as she was programmed to do. And if somehow she failed her brother was there for them to fall back on. The brother who looked like his Pyro father and had both powers from his fathers was programmed differently.
He was programmed to just kill on sight. Both vessels had been progressed to age fast. They were currently 14 and so they were not to be wakened yet.

Those plans all went down the drain when the X Men heard about the breeding Lab and the plans.

"This Lab plans to use the DNA of Mutants to create what they call weapons. They create them to program them to kill other mutants. There are no reports of breeding yet so hopefully we can get there and take them down before they get started and solve the problem." Storm was saying and then her and the X Men along with Kitty Bobby and Pyro went with them for back up.

Once at the Lab the scientists were found to be human and so it wasn't hard to defeat them.

When they found the actual Lab it was locked and sealed shut. "We need to get in there and make sure no DNA samples are in there. Don't wanna risk any mutants blood being used like that." Storm said.

"I can get it open." Pyro offered and they backed away as he used his powers to burn the door to ashes and Bobby cooled the heat so they could go in.

Storm saw the two pods. The white vessels and she realized they must have been wrong. "Oh no." she said then she saw the blood samples she went over to look. She saw on both vials that the blood was mixed together. And the blood that was mixed was "Ice Man and Pyro." Storm said.

"What?" They both said at once. Storm went over and handed a vial to Logan "Those things in those vessels are created weapons created from blood mixed together. Pyro and Ice Man's blood mixed together. We need to open those pods." Storm said.

"Wait so those Pods are....would be our offspring?" Bobby asked not sure how to word it.

"Not the pods. What's in the pods. But yes you and Pyro are biologically the parents of whatever is in those pods." Storm explained and then went over to work the control panel she got it to open "Opening Pod. Awakening weapon 626." The computer said and the latch came off the pod and the door fell off too.

What they saw shocked them all.

"Holy shit. That's a little girl!" Logan snapped.

"According to the computer she's.......14 years old." Storm said reading and then saw the other pod.
"It won't let me open the second one. Maybe there's nothing in there.

Then the girl fell on the floor gasping for breath her eyes wide staring at the floor after a few moments she calmed and stood up.

She immediately sensed the two that shared her blood. She looked at them first. Her big brown eyes a perfect match to Pyro's own brown eyes. And he noticed them too. She looked at the rest of them then. She immediately sensed her first target Wolverine. "Target found." she stated in a robotic voice.

"She's already been programmed. What is your target?" Storm asked her.

Then 626 turned to the other Pod. "There is another." this time she sounded a little fascinated.

"Brother." She stated sensing that he was male. She raised her arm and used her telekinetic power to unlatch the pod and then disconnect the sleeping agent the door flew off his pod and everyone gasped when they saw him.

He was a near exact copy of Pyro. "Okay if we take him back with us how are we suppose to be able to tell the difference between him and Match stick?" Logan asked.

"He has both powers." 626 stated in an informative tone. "Ice and Fire. Both powers from both parental units." she said.

"Wait he has both our powers? How can both powers co exist in one body?" Pyro asked glancing at Bobby. Who shrugged.

"They can not. It will destroy him. I must extract one power or he will be destroyed." 626 stated.

"Can you do that?" Storm asked Then asked "What's your name? What's his name?"

"Name? I do not know this word" she said.

"What are you called?" Storm asked.

"Experiment 626" she said. Then she remembered something else "Also was I once called Fires starter."

"Is that your power? Fire?" Storm asked.

"That and others." 626 said.

"You have more then one power? What else can you do?" Storm asked and watched as 626 looked at Pyro "Parental unit come assist me." she said.

Pyro raised his brows "Me?" he asked as she looked at him .

She nodded her head.

"Okay then." he said and went over though he was on guard and a little leery. This was his daughter. His 14 year old daughter. And that was his son. And he was only 19 himself. He wasn't even sure he knew how to be a father. But he wanted to be a good father.

"Extend your arm." she said and he did. She then said "Now touch him" So Pyro leaned over and touched the boy. His arm glowed "What's happening?" he asked.

"The power given from your blood is being removed. Now he will have the power of ice. he will live now." She stated. When the glowing stopped he asked "does he still my blood in him?" he asked.
"Yes. It is only your power that was removed." she said.

Then the Pyro look alike opened his blue eyes and Pyro gasped. "Oh god. He has my face but Bobby's eyes?" Pyro stated confused.

He backed away a little bit.

The Younger version of Pyro that had Bobby's blue eyes stepped down and looked around. He too saw Wolverine "Target located." he said his hands froze preparing for attack. Pyro followed the line of vision and everyone else did too. Pyro looked back at the boy in disbelief "You have got to be kidding me? Wolverine is your target?" he asked.

"One of them." the girl answered and then got in her brothers way. He looked down at her surprised.

"You live? Then why have I awakened if you did not fail?" he asked.

"I woke you." she stated.

"Why? You have not failed. You are alive. You have not yet attacked the Wolverine. I am programmed to attack the targets on sight. But only if you had failed." he said.

"Okay that's just weird. These people think that mixing a boy with Pyro and Bobby's powers is powerful enough to kill me? Why do they want to kill me?" Logan asked.

"You are threat number 2." The boy stated.

"Who's threat number 1?" Storm asked.

"The mutant Charles Xavier." The boy said.

"Okay. Again I ask why?" Logan said.

"Why? We do not question our orders. We simply follow them." The boy stated.

"Yeah well no offense but your not powerful enough to destroy Charles Xavier. Not even before Pyro took the fire power from you." Storm said.

"By the time I was to wake up 626 would have weakened them enough if she had failed. She is beyond the power of Charles Xavier or any other mutant alive at the moment. She is a class 6. You can not begin to fathom the power she possesses." The boy said then he looked at Pyro. "You are one of my parental units. You took my power of fire. Why?" he asked.

"Because apparently it would have killed you. What's your name?" Pyro asked.

"I am called 625" he said.

"Okay I think you guys need real names. Let's see. Bobby do you want to name the boy or the girl. I'll name one and you can name the other." Pyro said as he looked at Bobby.

Bobby thought about that "I'll name the boy." he said then thought up a name "How about....Mason?" Bobby asked.

Pyro nodded in agreement. "There so now your human name is Mason ." he said to Mason

Then he looked over at the girl "And you can be.....Terra." he told her.

Terra looked at him "I do not see the need for another name. For what purpose do I need a second name?" She asked.

"Because first of all 626 isn't a name. It's a number. And I am not gonna go around calling my kid a number. Plus your a girl. Terra is a pretty girl name. I thought you could live with it." Pyro said.

"Well if there coming then we'll need to put them to sleep and erase their programming other wise they will constantly be trying to kill Logan an the professor." Storm said.

"I do not need a human name to complete my mission." Terra said.

Pyro scoffed "Your not gonna complete your mission. Your not a weapon. Your a person. Your a kid. Your my kid. And I say your not gonna be used liked that." Pyro stated bluntly.

"You do not have the authorization to terminate my mission!" Terra stated.

"Maybe not but I have the authority to say your not gonna do it." Pyro said.

"Okay guys we can fight over who's more dominant later but for now we need to get back to the school." Logan said.

Since it was in her programming Terra agreed to go. Mason for some reason sensed the Pyro was the dominant one and therefor must be obeyed and so he would do as he was told as long as it was Pyro that gave the order. "I will do whatever you ask." Mason said to Pyro.

"Good, That's good." Pyro said and they went back to the manor.

Things were okay until Charles Xavier wheeled into the infirmary to help out.

Mason lunged but was grabbed by Pyro who saw it coming. He had him pinned against his own chest the younger boy was several inches shorter still. "Stop!" Pyro commanded. And the boy stilled but he also whimpered and whined like a puppy being told to go to bed.

"I suppose I will help Miss Terra first." Xavier said as he went over to the girl.

He then said "Lay down my dear."

She willingly laid down knowing he was no threat to her.

Xavier went to work caging some of her powers strength and then he used his own powers to erase the programming from her mind. Giving her a voice of her own and a personality as well.
Her eyes remained closed as she slept.
"When she wakes she will be a normal mutant. I trapped two of her powers inside her mind to lessen the danger. She is very powerful. The power to light fires. The power of telekinesis and the power to control others. All very strong powers and all very hard to control. I weakened them by a couple degrees. She can still do them if she needs to. But she can't do them all the time. Now your turn young man." He said with a smile.

Said young man with Pyro's face growled "Your not touching me! Your not making me weak!" he yelled.

"Stop!" Pyro commanded shaking the boy slightly and not releasing his hold.

The boy stopped. "Now listen to me. We aren't doing this to hurt you. We want to help you. And I am gonna get tired of you trying to kill Logan and the professor so it's better if we just get rid of the programming so you can be a normal mutant." Pyro said.

"But I will never be a normal mutant. I have your face and his eyes. And....This is not why I was created! I was not created to live a life. I was created to destroy it. I have no further purpose then that." The boy said.


"Yes Sir." Mason said.

Okay that was just weird. Pyro thought.

Pyro let go and Mason went over to Xavier for his turn. The only difference was that he woke right afterwards and boy did he have an attitude.

Pyro and Bobby were going to have their hands full.


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